Central Park

I got out of Oscorp with a box in my hands, walking toward my car. I may have acted pretty calm in front of Otto, I was still god damn angry.

The thing that makes me angry isn't the fact I have been fired, it's the reason. I lost my job and my most importantly my lab because a fucker betrayed me because his daddy didn't give him enough attention.

That fucker! I frowned but stopped and entered my car. The ride home wasn't pleasant, I had the feeling that everyone was trying to piss me off.

After a few horrible minutes and a broken wheel, no dented wheel, I finally arrived home. But I had forgotten that today my parents weren't at work. I was thus taken aback when I heard the TV on.

They both were watching it and turned to the door, surprised to see me. Steven asked" Son, you too got your day off?" I sighed and replied" I got fired." Mom put a hand in front of her mouth in horror, and my father froze.

The first to get out of it was my mom when she asked me" What happened? You made a mistake?" I shook my head and replied" Now that my ancient boss got arrested, the company is a mess…" However my father frowned and asked" But isn't your new boss Harry? Your friends?"

I shook my head and revealed the truth" Harry is the one who fired me, he's not ready for his job… Whatever, I didn't lose that much, I will only have to find work somewhere else, maybe Stark ind. Or somewhere else."

But that didn't reassure my parents, they were still looking at me worriedly. I began walking the stairs to go to my room and said" I'm fine, okay? I'll deal with it."

I fastened my steps and opened my room, and slammed the door. Okay, maybe I wasn't that right… I clenched my fist looking around, frowning. After endlessly walking in my room, I got out, and said to my parents" I will go out, I will come back for diner."

Steven sighed and said" Be careful out there." I nodded and quickly got out. I did not take my car but walked, just walked out. I did that for an unknown amount of time, I just walked, my mind empty of any thought.

When I got out of my trance I looked around me confused, and saw that I had gotten into central park. I looked around, not really knowing where to go. I continued walking, and wanted to just go sit on a bench.

But god seemed to be angry at me today, they were all taken already. It was only after walking for ten entire minutes that I finally found a place, and even then there was someone sitting there already. Normally I would have avoided sitting next to a stranger, but right now I couldn't care less.

Without checking who was there or what the person was doing, I walked to the bench, put down my back bag, and sat there without a word.

I looked in front of me, a carousel. Kids were laughing and screaming, either at their parents or other kids. Everyone seemed so happy, so… I don't know…

I continued watching the carousel, thinking about a conversation I had with my parents not that long ago. They wanted to know whether I had a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, and I don't really know how but it ended up with me talking about kids.

My parents had told me that this was certainly the most wonderful thing that could be given to a couple. I remember that at that time I had laughed it off, I still haven't gotten any girlfriend in two lives, so what about children…

And before I always thought that having children was not so wonderful, only that everyone was lying to themselves saying they were all good and all…

But today, now that I am taking the time to look at it, let's say I have been swayed. I sighed and threw my head back, and looked at the sky. Today was a beautiful day, probably the reason I couldn't find a place.

The sky is blue, no cloud in sight, neither too hot or too cold, a fresh breeze… Yes, the weather is really good today. A pity my day isn't as good. I lowered my head a little and looked at the surrounding buildings.

The Empire State Building was a few streets away, same as the Stark tower, there is Rand enterprises too… That make me think, when will the Defenders story begin? Do they exist? Has Danny Rand come back?

I continued thinking about life for god knows how long. Many questions had been formed and answered in my mind. There was something bothering me since quite some time, it's about my haki.

I found it pretty weak, even I were not to have a lot of talent for it, it still should be stronger. After thinking about it for a while, I concluded that Xavier was probably right, there is something that seems to be sealing my powers.

What made me realize this is the fact that I got stronger after getting exposed to the device made by Magneto. But I don't think I am like Jean and has a cosmic entity inside me, because the device for me was more like a chance, and the lever was my interaction with Phoenix, it forcing me into seeking strength into my deepest.

I haven't got the chance to test myself recently, but I can feel that I received a huge increase in power since that event, and that this isn't the last one, that there is still a lot of power hidden and sealed.

But the problem is that even if I can now break the seals thanks to the lock being broken, I don't know how to. I don't think just suffering again would help.

I finally decided to stop thinking about it as I wouldn't get the answer like that, maybe I should just wait for an opportunity to present itself…

I took my phone out and went to the net, searching for information. But it ended up being useless in the end, nothing stood out, nothing interesting happened.

I searched for something to do, checked my contacts, and I knew who I would talk to. I dialed a number and waited. After a few seconds a man's voice answered" What can I do for you Tunt?"

I would have smiled, but I was not in the mood. I replied" Fury, I am glad to hear of you. How are you doing recently?" Fury grunted back" What do you want?"

This time I chuckled" Now, now, just being polite… I have nothing to do for the moment, so I thought I could call you. Tell me, anything about that big project of yours? Found anyone except Tony?"

Fury replied" A potential candidate, someone you fought with already, but other than that no nothing… Anyone in mind?" I said" Unfortunately not… Argh you are boring, let's spike this up. I was involved in the thing with the statue."

Fury replied calmly" You should be careful of your words, you are in a public park, in case you forgot. And what happened over there, I am quite curious." I teased" Hohoho, something you can't find yourself? Sorry but I can't tell you, but know that they won't create any problem."

Fury sighed and asked" Anything else? I have work to do." I told him it was fine and hung up. I sounded enthusiastic just now, but in reality I am in a depressing mood right now.

I turned to my left, to finally see who I was sitting next to. I first saw the notebook, the legs covered by nude colored thighs, the black squirt, the red nails on those soft hands, then the deep blue top, and finally her face.

Her blonde her falling on her note book, and her face. She seemed to be a great beauty, but Unfortunately right now she had tears falling down her eyes, ruining her face, a little, but not much, she was still beautiful…

Yeah she still was beautiful. I cleared my throat and asked" Are you okay madam?" She looked at me briefly and quickly wiped her tears, saying" Yes, just got something in the eye." I smiled and replied" Not your day, to get something in both eyes."

She smiled and replied" Indeed, it isn't…" I looked down at her notes and saw that it was physics. I pointed at it and asked" I don't want to brag but I am quite good in physics, I can help you if you want."

She seemed to hesitate a little, certainly because of my age, and said" Sure, why not. But I warn you, this is university stuff." I smiled and took her notebook. I quickly read everything she wrote, and understanding that this was homework, I began writing and asked" Where are you studying at?"

She looked at my notes and replied" ESU, Empire State University. I am in my last year. I specialize in genetics but they thought adding physics to my exams was something wise…" I smiled and asked" If you can't do it by yourself then why didn't you ask for a friend there?"

But as I said that she kept quiet, so I turned to her and saw her quickly tying to wipe a tear. I sighed and said" Do you want to talk about it?" She sighed and said" Sure why not… I just broke up with my boyfriend today, and he was the one who helped me with physics."

I handed her her notebook with some of my notes and replied" Sorry for you, tough day." She read through the notes and replied" What about you? You seemed lost when you arrived." I smirked and replied" Well I got fired."

She looked at me in surprise and asked" Aren't you too young to work? How old are you, 16? 17?" I pointed at Oscorp's tower that could be seen in the distance and said" I am 16 but I got a job at Oscorp, unfortunately recently the company is going through hard times."

She nodded and said" Yes with Norman Osborn… What were you doing there?" I smiled thinking of my other job, and said" I first worked on energy, and then on prosthesis."

I looked at her and asked" What will you do after University?" She clenched her fist and replied" I don't know, at first I wanted to go to my ex's company that he created with a friend, but it seems I will go elsewhere…"

I sighed and said" What a tragic day for us." She laughed and said" Indeed, but what were the probabilities for you to come sit next to me?" I smiled and nodded. I turned to look at her and said" But you should really wash your face, people are staring at us. If you don't I will be unable to endure the shame of being associated with you."

She hit my arm and said" Don't be a jerk!" I smiled but didn't say anything. After a few moments of silence I finally asked" What's your name by the way? We have been talking for so long but I still don't know who you are."

She extended her hand and said" I am Susan, and who are you?" I took her hand and replied" Mason."