
In the end we exchanged numbers promising we would meet again. As for me my bad mood was gone and I kept a smile on my face. But once I got out of the park I did not go home, but instead went into an alley and put my suit on.

Today I changed from neighborhoods and finally went to Hell's kitchen. This was one of the most dangerous in New York because of the huge amount of criminality there. Multiple organizations were present there, Wilson Fisk alias the Kingpin, the Yakuza, the Triads, the Italians…

Of course the Triads were more present in Chinatown and the Italians in Little Italy, but there still were a lot of them in Hell's kitchen. But along with the gangsters comes the heroes. Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Iron Fist, the Punisher and certainly a few others I forgot.

But of course the most powerful organization is the Hand, they rule over all the organizations inside Hell's kitchen except for Wilson Fisk. So today I had set a goal for myself, I would strike fear into the gangster's minds.

My first impression was that this was a normal district, there seemed to be as much crime as in other places, nothing abnormal. But that was only on the surface. What I could see was only the people who tried to defend themselves, but most of the time people would just accept to get robbed, it seemed to be a habit here.

This made me frown. I defended the ones trying to defend themselves as they could be in danger, but I let the others as they were not in any kind of dangers. But I didn't just let them, over the day I had spied on many criminals.

In the end I discovered that the ones who were the most present were the Yakuza, and the least were the men from Kingpin. So during the night I followed a member that I knew was from the Yakuza, and waited until he got separated from his friends.

I quickly jumped at him and before he could react jumped with him onto a roof. I threw him away and made him crash into the ground. In pain he first looked at me angrily, but once he saw who I was he had a look of fear.

I appeared next to him and held him by the collar, and asked" Does the Yakuza have anything important happening?" The man smirked and replied" What will you do if I don't answer you? Kill me?"

I sighed and sent a wave of conqueror's haki. But not with the intention to knock him out, but to make him surrender to me. His legs instantly turned into jelly and his eyes turned to the white. He fell unconscious. I was stunned as I did not use a lot of power…

It seems my power have experienced a huge boost, more than I thought at first. I slapped him awake, and this time he immediately answered. Apparently tonight there would be a huge transaction with the Kingpin's men, they would buy weapons.

I knocked him out and left him there, we were only a few meters from the ground so he should be fine. I quickly headed to the port as the transaction was about to begin. Once I arrived I saw that it had already began.

But I did not intervene but instead took pictures, clearly displaying their faces and the goods. The two sides shook hands and took their products. I first followed Fisk's men, and too care of them. They were only five in one car, so I jumped in front of it and punched the car.

But things had gone bad. For safety measures I had used haki on my fist, after all they were going fast and they were in a truck. But when I punched it, I didn't just stop the vehicle, I destroyed it.

I didn't kill the ones inside but injured them, they had pieces of the car stuck in their limbs… I got them out of the car, well what remained of it, put the money next to them and signaled to the cops the thing here.

I also had Hermes send the pictures I had taken to the police, so that they would have enough proof to put them in jail. But for the eventuality tat there would be dirty cops, most certainly the case, I sent this to different police stations, and some higher ups.

Once done I asked" Hermes, where are they?" Hermes told me an address, so I sped up there. This was one of my new gadgets, a tracker. I had put it on their car before chasing for Fisk men.

I arrived to a Japanese market, and Hermes told me they were inside a restaurant. Fortunately there was an air vent big enough for me to go in. I entered and quickly arrived above the back room, using my observation haki to spot them.

Once in place I listened to their conversation hoping to hear useful information but they only talked about women and the likes, and mostly in Japanese, a language I do not master.

I wanted to knock them out with haki but then I would have trouble with the police. They won't be able to just come and ask to go to the backroom. So I got out of the vent and fell in the middle of the gathered men.

They were eleven, and armed to the teeth. But fortunately they only had cold weapons, no guns. They all looked at me dumbfounded, and suddenly drew their sabers in alarm.

I couldn't use my armament haki as it would kill them, so I used my observation one. One of them slashed at me in the back. I only moved by half a step, making him miss and lose his footing. I grabbed his extended wrist holding the sword, broke it and sent him into the ones in front of me.

The remaining ones all jumped at me, their katana about to pierce me. But I just made four quick steps, and evaded nine blades, making them shock each other. I lowered myself, evading a fast piercing move from the last one, and did a roundhouse kick.

My foot connected with 6 heads, knocking them out. I then jumped, sticking to the ceiling, avoiding another wave of slashing. Only 4 were left, and they were trembling in fear. I jumped behind one of them, and before he could react pushed him into a wooden wall separating the room and the restaurant.

He broke through the wall, making a big hole letting everyone see me inside. I quickly finished the last three ones, and departed. Hermes had already called the police, and they would soon arrive.

As for me I was happy about my night, it had just begun and it was already so productive. Later as I jumped from roof to roof, I felt a strong presence through my haki. This was another thing I had discovered, I could now keep it activated way longer.

I ran toward that presence, and unsurprisingly I found the new hero Daredevil, well he is not called that yet, for the moment he is a villain called the Devil of Hell's kitchen, but he will become Daredevil soon. He turned toward me when I entered into a 20 meters zone. He asked" Who are you?"

I walked toward him and replied" I am Night Walker. I guess you are that Devil?" He looked at me vigilantly… Well not looked as he was blind but with his sonar thing… and said" What are you doing here? This isn't your area."

I smiled and replied" My area is this entire planet. But more seriously I decided to come by here. Do you have a goal?" He hesitated but still told me" There is someone called the Kingpin in the district, I want to make him fall. But I don't know who he is."

I nodded and said" Wilson Fisk, the CEO. That is his other identity." He gasped and asked" How do you know that? Why would I trust what you say?" I shrugged and replied" You don't have to Mr Murdock."

I groaned and asked" What do you want?" I smiled and replied" Nothing much, only to help this city. And to do that I need to make the Kingpin fall." He nodded and said" You certainly know I am a lawyer. If you want to help then help me gathering evidence about his crimes. Like that we can put him in jail."

I sighed and asked" Are all the cops corrupted?" He nodded and said" Almost all of them, there are a few who aren't, but they can't help with their position. If we want to arrest him then you must trust me." I nodded but replied threateningly" If I ever find out that you betray me and work for Fisk then I will take care of you two, and won't use the law."

He shook his head and said" I can see you are pretending you know, I can hear your heartbeat." I froze and said" Shit." He chuckled and asked" Why would you want to intimidate me?" I replied" Just to make sure you aren't on his side, but it seems it will be impossible."

He nodded and jumped from the roof. I also departed and left the district. I had done enough things for this night, I will go back to my main area, that is around Midtown and Central Park.

The rest of the night passed quickly, and I came back home. Earlier that day I had called my parents and told them that I would not come back for dinner like I told them, and even though they were worried they still agreed.

I was grateful they didn't make things complicated for me. I came back home early in the morning, just before my parents would go to work. The two of them were in the kitchen eating their breakfast.

They greeted me and my mother said with a smile" You seem to be a lot better. What were you doing?" I smiled back and grabbed something to eat, and said" Well during the day I met someone interesting, it was good to speak to her. And for the night I made some researches and talked to some people."

As I said that Steven elbowed me in the sides and said with a smirk" You met a girl? Are you presenting her to us soon?" I rolled my eyes and replied" Stop dad, I just met her." Martha asked" Where did you met her?"

I smiled and replied" Central Park, she was sitting on the only bench where there was place. Honestly at first I didn't even look at her, I was walking around depressed, and after only a few minutes I looked at her."

My dad chuckled and replied" Sound like the beginning of a love story…" I warned him with a look and continued" She was crying because she broke up with her boyfriend so…" I was interrupted by my father's whistling and my mother happy squeal.

I groaned" You are impossible to talk to." I began walking up the stairs when my mother said" Honey, the Stacy family will come eat dinner next Tuesday, please be here." I turned to her and nodded" I have nothing to do that day, I will come."

I returned to walking to the stairs. Once in my room I fell on my bed, but could not sleep. I had already slept last night, and I had to much energy to sleep. For a normal human it was like he would sleep for 8 hours, and then 3 hours later he would sleep again.

I sighed, I had nothing to do. Of my few friends, Harry had been ejected of the list, MJ and Liz are gone, L.A if I remember well, Gwen is not really a friend and is working. Peter should have started working with Otto too. Yes, the one I talked about with Otto was Peter.

I took out my phone and dialed Otto's number.