
The call went through and Otto asked" Yes Mason?!" I could hear something dangerous, or at least it sounded dangerous. I replied" You seem busy, I will be quick. Otto, can you please give me the numbers of those friends of yours in Stark ind?"

Otto hurriedly said" I will send them to you. Now I will go!" He hung up, probably to take care of whatever was making such noise. I smiled and threw my phone on my blanket.

I just led there, unmoving, and waited. I tried thinking about my suit, the upgrades I could make, or on my projects, but everytime I end up thinking about Susan and begin smiling like a fool. I was now curious about her real face, I mean without the make up ruining her face.

I could search for that with the help of Hermes, but I didn't. I don't know why. It's frustrating. Sigh, deep down, I know why, I just don't want to say it. Damn it. I need to do something.

And it seems god heard me as my phone rung, I had received a message. I picked it up and looked. Otto had sent me three numbers. I immediately dialed the first one.

I then heard a female voice ask" Who is it?" Quite rude…" Hello madam, we don't know each other but Otto Octavius gave me this number saying I should call you if I want a job." The other side chuckled and replied" Did he? Well tell me, what kind of job do you want?"

I smiled and replied" I previously worked at Oscorp with Otto, as a scientist. This is what I would like to do. I specialize in mechanics but I can do a lot of other things. If you doubt about my skills then phone call Otto and ask him about Mason Tunt."

The woman asked" You are Mason? The one working on the mini sun with him? 16 years old?" I was not expecting this. I asked" Do we know each other?" The woman laughed and said" You don't know me but I know you. The kid who successfully made Otto share his work."

I was stunned and asked" Is it that amazing?" The woman sighed and said" you have no idea… But tell me kid, you want to come work at Stark ind? Go to Stark tower tomorrow, say your name and show something proving your identity, and you will be taken to our audition."

I then chatted a little with her, and learned that her name is Sarah, and that Otto and her were friends since the university. Once done I got down in the kitchen and saw that both my parents had gone to work.

I made myself some bacon and eggs and ate watching TV. I hadn't done this for a long time, I was too busy before. At first I watched some shows that MJ had recommended me, but they were too boring so I switched to the news.

I would have gladly called someone but right now it was too early. Today's news weren't anything spectacular, but after that came a pretty interesting documentary on Captain America. Seeing it I made up my mind, I knew what I was gonna do today.

I had heard of the memorial about Captain America and his team, there is one in almost every city but the one in New York is a really good one. But I intended to go only in the afternoon. And possibly not alone.

I took my phone out and sent a text to Susan (Awake?) I continued watching the documentary and around ten minutes later I received a message(Yeah I was in the shower. But how come YOU are awake, from what I know 16 years old boys sleeps until afternoon when in vacation.)

I smiled and replied(You make yourself sound so much more older, do I need to remind you you are only 20 yourself?) She replied with a smiling emoji(It's not very gallant to say a lady's age…) My smiled widened a bit as I sent(Anyway, are you free this afternoon?)

She replied after half a minute(Yes I am. I still have some time until my exams.) Confidence grew inside me so I asked(Then how about we spend it together? I have nothing to do and don't want to just rot at home)

Susan replied quickly(Sure, what do you want to do?) I texted back(Do you want to do anything in particular? I have some places we could go to in mind otherwise.) She said(Well I don't want to spoil your plans, but how about going to the theater? There's that film, Indiana Jones, it looks like a good film.)

I was stunned and asked(I wouldn't have imagined you would like a film like this one, but sure let's go watch that. You know when it gets projected?) She replied(Yeah there is one soon. In two hours. How about we meet there?)

She also sent me an address and an hour. But I smiled and said(If you want I can pick you up, I have a car. You decide, it won't bother me as we have time.) She replied with an emoji(Thank you then, I live in Long Island, I will send you the address.)

I received it, and kept smiling like the dumbest fool. I got in my room and changed myself, and purposefully took slimy clothes, not baggy ones like always.

I then got out and locked the door before taking my car. I happily hummed on the way. As for the film I was surprised, it was already existing in my old world, I had watched it as a kid. But t had been too long since then so I don't really remember how it is.

I finally arrived at her place after half an hour. The address was a building, she must own a flat in it. I took my phone out and called her telling her that I was there.

She got down and searched for me but couldn't find me. I bonked, and she finally looked at me. I smiled to her, and nodded to her. She smiled back and came in the car. Honestly I was retaining myself from drooling because she was sooooo beautiful.

She was without a doubt the most beautiful female I had ever seen in both my lives. But as I began driving I asked her" You are living alone?" She shook her head and replied" No I live with my twin brother Johnny."

I nodded, but did not delve further in as there obviously was something wrong, no girl would want to live with their twin brother. She smiled and said" I'm sure he would like you." I raised an eyebrow and asked" Why is that so? You know me that much in less than a day?"

She rolled her eyes and said" Let me correct myself, he would love your car, he is a fan of cars, and your is pretty good." I nodded and said" I've got some luck, my parents live pretty well, they both are surgeons so even though I didn't ask for anything extravagant I got this."

She sighed and said" Lucky indeed…" I smiled and asked" Want to talk about it?" She shook her head and said" No I'm fine." I nodded and said" Well then let me indulge you in my bad luck." She chuckled and said" You sure you weren't fired because of a lack of skill?"

I smiled and said" Funny, but no. For your information I already got an audition at Stark ind, so I think my skills are good enough. No if I got fired it's because I trusted the wrong person." She looked at me stunned and asked" What happened?"

I sighed and said" You know I'm not that much of a talker most of the time, so I have few friends, but I believe that those friends are real ones that would stand with me whether I am in time of needs, or fame. Unfortunately I was wrong.

You see I had one special friend, Harry Osborn, son of Norman Osborn. But the thing is that Norman never really loved his son, or he is very good at hiding it. I could feel some jealousy from Harry when I got hired at Oscorp.

But it was fine back then and our friendship wasn't affected, but then the festival happened. Norman got defeated and unmasked, thus sent to jail. That certainly hit Harry pretty badly, but then when he visited his father, Norman only told him that he wanted to speak to me."

Susan gasped and said" Were you friends with Norman?" I shook my head and said" No I am not, that's why I don't understand why he wanted to talk to me. But whatever it was, it was too much for Harry, and he fired me because of that."

By the end of my tell my anger had come back, and I was grasping tightly the wheel. Susan touched my shoulder and said" Sorry for that…" I calmed down and replied" It's okay, I prefer seeing his true colors now rather than in time of needs."

Susan nodded and said" That's true. Now that you told me that I fell guilty for not telling mine." I chuckled and said" You don't have too, you can tell me in the future." She pinched my shoulder and said" Why do you take for granted the fact you will see me again?"

I smiled and replied" My endless charm?" She rolled her eyes and said" Such a narcissist." I laughed and added" Then this is the last time we see each other? Oh no, my heart can't take it!"

Susan laughed and said" Okay, okay, it's not the last time." I stopped the car and said" Miss Susan, we arrived." She laughed and said" Call me Sue, that's what my friends call me." I nodded and said" I'm making so much progress in one day, do I really have endless charm?"

Sue just rolled her eyes and got out of the car. I got out and locked it. The two of us went to buy tickets, and only then did we realize that we still had almost an hour and a half until the film begins.

I smiled to her and asked" Well, it's almost noon, why don't we go eat something?" Sue nodded and said" Yes let's go, I have a friend who owns a restaurant near. We go there?"

I shrugged and replied" Lead the way." Indeed, it was really not far away, it only took us two minutes to go there, and I was surprised to see that this was a restaurant I knew, it was reputed for being for the high class of people, like CEO or even senators.

I looked at Sue in surprise and asked" You know the owner?" She smiled and said" You didn't expect that didn't you? Well my friend isn't exactly the owner but the son of the owners." I frowned and asked" But don't you need to call months before to get a meal here?"

She nodded and said" You do but that's only for certain customers, you think senators plan months in advance to eat here?" I smiled and said" Lead the way then, You better not embarrass us."

Sue smiled and replied" I would be a really bad friend to embarrass you on our first… Yeah, what is exactly? A date?" I smiled and replied" It's a date if you want it to be, it's a meal if you want this to be a meal."

Sue nodded and said" Well we will say that this is a meal." I nodded and we entered the restaurant, called "Leon's"