
Natasha said" You are here to help me destroy this barrier, and then help find agent Tobias. Any questions?" I shook my head and walked toward the temple. As I was about to enter, I was blocked by a green energy field, or barrier.

I was about to try putting my hand on it when Natasha exclaimed" Don't touch it, it cuts anything that comes in contact with it." I nodded and stepped back. I walked to a tree and punched it, making it fall. It was six or seven meters tall, and weighing a few tens of tons.

I grabbed it and used armament haki on my arms to throw it as hard as I could on the barrier. The tree collided with green barrier, and made it tremble, but the tree got cut into many little pieces and got repulsed.

I could have coated the tree with haki, but this was just a test. I now knew that brute force can destroy it. The strength behind the tree I just threw was around the maximum I could do with haki before my seal got lifted.

Of course that is without counting the defense breaker ability of my haki. Natasha was shocked, I could feel it with my haki as I had let it activated, but none of it was seen on her face. But more importantly I had caught a glimpse of a will inside.

Natasha, seeing the tree did not break the barrier, said impassively" Mission failed, let's go." I however, walked to the barrier and coated my fist with haki this time. Confident in my abilities, I punched the barrier as hard as I could.

I felt some pain on my hand, but had no injury whatsoever. The barrier, however, was not as fine as I am. It had broken and disappeared. I turned to Natasha and said" Agent Romanoff, let's go." She nodded and we walked inside the temple.

I could now feel the presence clearly. It was weakening by the minutes, but I could not get a clear view of him. I looked at Natasha and said" Let me go first, there may be traps." She nodded and walked behind me.

I let my haki activated and walked in front of me. But only five steps in I felt my spider sense warn me, but my haki did not feel anything. A danger, but no presence, a trap like I thought. I stepped back, avoiding four blades from cutting me into pieces.

Before they could retract back into the ground and reset the trap, I broke them all easily, they were only made of steel. I walked back a little, and once the trap was reset, I walked again where the trap was. Indeed this time I received no warning as holes opened up but no blades came.

I looked at Natasha and asked" Did you see any kind of mechanism we could have activated? I saw none." Natasha shook her head with a frown. I sighed and said" Magic it is then."

Natasha eyed me so I said" Yes magic exist agent, only that the users hide themselves well. But wait until we get out of here if you want to report this." I turned to the path again and walked forward.

After five minutes we finally arrived in front of a door. Although we did not walk a lot, maybe only two hundred meters, we had activated 13 different traps. For me it was pretty easy to walk past those, there was even the legendary huge rolling rock that came at us.

But I just destroyed it with a punch. But what astonished me was how could have that agent pass. Before entering I asked" Does agent Tobias have any special abilities?" Natasha obviously knew something was wrong as she replied" Not to my knowledge, it is strange. Even if he had some there are some one time traps, and they were clearly not activated."

I nodded and said" We should hurry, he may be in danger." Indeed I could feel that he was still dying and that he was not far from dying. It seemed like he was bleeding…

I coated my arm with haki in case there would be any defense mechanism on the door, and opened it. I did not encounter any problem and opened the door wide. But as soon as I did I felt something powerful. Very powerful.

Inside we could see a kind of altar, with a huge serpent dotted of wings carved on top of the altar. On the altar there were some symbols, Maya certainly, and finally beneath it was a man resting against the altar, with a green sphere around him.

The green thing would then be transported to the statue. I frowned as this looked like a strange ritual. But what was strange was that I felt only two presences, the weakening one from agent Tobias, and another one from the statue.

But a statue should not have any presence, it's not a living being… I looked at Natasha and asked" Do you now anything about this?" I did not act as any of my action could lead to the death of the agent, or could destroy the temple.

Natasha nodded and said" I don't know about the ritual but I know about this statue. It is the Mayan God of the wind, Kukulkan the flying feathered serpent." I nodded and asked" What is written there?" Natasha replied" It's name." So that's how she discovered what this statue was.

I was quite surprised she could read Maya characters, but now was not the time. As Tobias' presence was weakening, the statue was getting stronger. I walked toward Tobias and touched the green sphere around him with my coated hand, and as expected it tried to cut my hand.

I retracted my hand and punched the sphere. It broke down and the energy stopped leaving Tobias. Tobias fell to the ground, weak but alive. He opened his eyes slowly and as it saw us he said" Leave!" But at the same time a huge roar was heard.

Natasha and Tobias had to cover their ears in pain while I looked at the statue. This was where the roar came from. The statue suddenly moved to look at me and roared" Puny human! You dare oppose me! But you are too late! I, Kukulkan, will wreak havoc on this land and make you humans worship me again!"

Then the statue broke down and became dust, along with the entire altar. Green energy enveloped the dust and quickly flew up. It went in the ceiling like there wasn't anything, and I could feel with my haki that it was quickly ascending in the sky.

I looked around and saw that Tobias and Natasha had somewhat recovered. Natasha had already gotten up and was looking after Tobias. I walked to Tobias and carried him. At the same time the temple began to tremble and was about to get destroyed.

I grabbed Natasha too, much to her displeasure and sped out of the temple. As I stepped out everything crumbled. I dropped the two agent and looked at the sky. Over there the green energy was moving higher and higher, and was rotating around the dust faster and faster.

I looked at Tobias and Romanoff, and seeing Natasha was a no go I grabbed Tobias's gun and shot at the green energy and said" We need to stop this! Shoot at it!" Unfortunately as awesome as I am I never learned to shoot so most of my bullets missed.

I threw the gun to Tobias, but he himself could not move. Natasha hit it with every shot, but it seems it's not enough. I looked at Natasha and asked" The plane I came with, is it armed?" Natasha realized what I wanted to do and nodded, running toward the plane.

I grabbed Tobias and ran after her. The plane was just next to us so it took me less than two seconds to arrive. With my haki I could feel that the green ball had stopped getting higher when it got thirty meters in the air.

But it was still getting stronger and stronger, slowly extending itself. It seemed to be absorbing the energy around itself, the energy of the world, energy of the wind.

Natasha arrived and shot at the pilot of the plane" Shoot that green thing in the sky, immediately!" The guy nodded and started the engine. He got off the ground and raised the plane at the same height as the green sphere.

The cannons, the guns, and every weapon present on the plane began shooting at the green energy. But instead of stopping it, it helped the green energy, I could feel that it was getting stronger even faster than before.

I frowned and suddenly realized what was happening. I turned to Natasha and said" Tell him to stop firing, now! This thing is currently absorbing energy, and shooting at it is giving it plenty of kinetic and thermal energy!"

Natasha took out her radio and said" Stop firing and land back, now." The guns stopped and the plane came back toward us. I looked at the thing getting bigger and bigger. It was not a sphere anymore, but was elongated itself, forming more of a line.

I could try to jump at it and punch with my haki, but I am afraid that this would only worsen the situation. Natasha looked at me and said" Any idea of what is happening?" I shook my head and said" I don't know, but it looks like Kukulkan is getting summoned, or one of his servants if he has any…"

Just as I said that the sphere revolved even faster and suddenly exploded making a deafening sound and letting out a blinding light. Even I had to cover my eyes. After ten seconds the light dispersed and we opened our eyes, and saw it.

In the sky was now a gigantic flying serpent, coiled in the air. But even gigantic would be a euphemism. It's entire length seems to be more than two kilometers, the diameter of its body was around thirty meters.

It opened it's mouth and let out a terrifying roar. Even I was getting frightened, not to talk about the others. The guy in the plane and Agent Tobias had fainted, and even the fearless agent Romanoff was shaking looking at this thing. No, this god.

Even with my haki I could not even feel it's might, it was too powerful. A god, a true one that could destroy everything. It looked at us with what seemed to be a wicked smile and said" Humans, I have arrived in this world… Even if I could only summon a portion of my strength, it will still be enough to destroy this world."

This was only a portion of his strength?! So if I hadn't broken that link, how strong would have it become? But even then I can't feel better, because even this portion of it's power is enough. I gritted my teeth and said" What do you want?"

Kukulkan snickered and replied" I will kill some of you humans and make the rest worship the great Kukulkan." I frowned at his declaration, and I could not help but sweat.

Yes, it was the first time I ever feared for my life. I gritted my teeth and said" I won't let you!" I was about to jump when I said" Prevent Fury, tell him to prepare every weapon SHIELD has and use it against this God."

I said God to make her react. She nodded and took out her phone while I jumped on a high tree. Kukulkan prepared to fight as it sensed I was about to come at it, and began moving. But as the fight was about to break out, we both felt something in the sky.

A light was coming right at us, and in it was someone that seemed to be very powerful. Kukulkan turned to the sky and opened it's mouth wide and spat something.

This thing was in fact energy and soon reached thousands of meters in the sky, and enveloped itself around the sky. Kukulkan then said" Odin, this is my world, you won't interfere!" So this light was the bifrost and the one in it was Odin from Asgard. If Odin himself came this fast, then how powerful is this thing...