God vs Man

Kukulkan turned back to me and said" Do not think you are in luck because Odin intends to come. To destroy this barrier I would either have to die or he would have to attack it for ten days. Ten days is more than enough to instill fear in your race."

Some may think it is stupid of him to tell me how to destroy the barrier, but in fact it is not. Now I am even more afraid because I know I can forget about getting any help from Asgard, and I doubt anyone can kill this thing here on earth.

No, maybe Jean could but for her to do that she would need to use Phoenix, but seeing how she is right now, that would be the same as leaving her body to it, and then yes Phoenix would kill Kukulkan, but then the entire earth and most certainly a part of the universe would join it in death.

But even then, seeing how Kukulkan seems to be unafraid of being defeated, it must have a mean to not really die. Maybe this thing is only a projection. But even if it is its real body a god is always difficult to kill.

I looked at Natasha and said" Take that plane and get out of here!" Natasha was still on the phone with Fury but she did as she was told and ran to the plane. As for me I finally jumped at the God. Kukulkan roared and rushed at me.

Despite it's size, it was fast, faster than me at least. The two of us collided, my haki covered fist and one of it's many teeth. I got sent flying tens of meters back before finally touching the ground. Even being protected by haki I felt my entire arm go numb and my back was hurting me.

As for Kukulkan I had not done any physical damage to it but I still stunned him a little and moved his head. It quickly got out of it's stupor and roared at me. I could see green energy gathering inside it's mouth.

My spider sense told me great danger was coming at me, while my haki told me that the hit would be unavoidable. I was relieved as I could see the jet had already departed, that's good. Natasha has seen Kukulkan's power, with her there they won't underestimate him.

The green energy got sent at me and at a great speed. The thing got larger as it was coming at me, and finally transformed into a giant tornado. I could see all the trees on its way getting shred into nothing, and it was too fast to avoid.

I punched the ground, making a big hole, and jumped in it. Then in no time I covered myself with as much earth as I could and once I sensed the tornado above me I coated my entire body in haki. The earth offered some protection, but soon the earth got destroyed and I was faced with the tornado myself.

I can say that earth has most certainly never encountered a tornado of this scale. I quickly got carried by the wind, and as each second passed I could feel many little blades cutting my entire body. Even with my haki I soon felt my blood on my body.

But then all of a sudden the tornado stopped, and my previously blurry surroundings cleared up. I looked around and saw an enormous tail coming at me, blocking the sun because of how big it is. I widened my eyes in shock, and put my arms in front of my body, trying to protect myself.

The tail made contact with my body, and this time the strength behind the blow was too much. The bones in both of my arms fractured, I got sent at the speed of light several hundred meters back, and when I landed I spat several mouthful of blood.

My vision was getting blurry, and darkness was coming at me. My entire body was putting me in pain, I could very possibly be internally bleeding. I could feel death coming. I wonder if I would see her in her physical form?

What will happen to me once I die? Will I get sent back to that old God from my world, or will I simply disappear? My fear was getting bigger and bigger, and I really wanted to stop now.

But I gritted my teeth, and slowly got back up. I could feel that Kukulkan was quickly coming at me, intending to finish me. I raised my head and roared at it with all my might, conqueror's haki erupting. The ground around me ruptured, the trees fell, and Kukulkan slowed down.

My entire body still covered in haki, I jumped at Kukulkan. I appeared above his head and punched. His power had been weakened a bit because of my haki, and he did not have the time to riposte.

His head got smashed into the ground, creating a giant earthquake, visibly shaking the trees that were left. I fell back to the ground in front of his face, and I could see rage inside his eyes. He got back into the sky and roared" You dare punch me you human!"

As for me most of my strength was gone, I had even trouble not falling. Kukulkan opened his mouth wide and energy gathered again. But this time it seemed more concentrated. Both my haki and spider sense were screaming at me to get out of here, but I could not move anymore.

The green energy finally finish gathering, and was heading toward me. I may have my haki covering my body, I could feel that this green ray of energy would kill me whether I have haki on me or not.

I prepared myself, and saw the approaching threat. Funnily time seemed to slow down to a crawl as I was facing death, again. My fear reached it's peak, I knew death was right at the corner. But then, I felt something break in my mind, just like with the device.

My mutant power certainly got one of its seals lifted again, but right now I don't care, it won't save me. Sure my haki got stronger, but almost none of it was left, and even if I had a lot I still wouldn't necessarily survive, after all the difference between us is too much. But strangely, my fear seemed to have disappeared… No not disappeared, but it wasn't a burden anymore, it feels weird…

Whatever, it isn't important. But now I was also feeling something else, frustration. I remembered about the different gods in the marvel universe, and from what I remember, they are all around the same strength except for the pantheon chiefs, the sky father like Zeus or Odin.

So why was this freaking serpent so powerful?! Seriously I am sure Thor isn't so powerful, even Odin should be only this powerful. But eventually I let it go, it has no importance anymore.

I began thinking about many things, about my past life, my present one and of the things I accomplished. I thought about my parents, how I enjoyed having them, about the friends I made… I thought about my short adventure with the X Men.

Now that I thought of it Jean still hadn't called me, why hasn't she arrived in New York yet? This was strange. After that I thought about all the things I could have brought to humanity, it is such a waste to die here…

Finally, I thought about a certain blonde girl. Her face, her smile, her voice, her body, her personality… I smiled. Out of all my memories, both lives included, the only thing that made me smile in front of death was her. Then another seal got lifted.

After what seemed to be years passed, the ray was finally in front of me. My fear, frustration, love, and every emotion I was currently feeling, transformed into determination. I will see her face again! I will see her face again! I will see her face again!

If I could see myself I would see that my body was now covered by a cloud like white thing, hovering around me. But I could not, the only thing I could see was that green ray. I will see her again.

Just as the ray was at less than a millimeters from my chest, I saw the head of Kukulkan. His eyes. They were holding fear. Strange. Why would he fear someone about to die? This was the last question I asked myself before the ray hit me, and everything became black.

Change of POV: Third person view.

While the fight happened, Natasha Romanoff was flying the plane with the pilot and her friend agent Tobias both unconscious in the back. She could not stop shaking thinking about that thing that got unleashed.

She had felt like she wasn't even an ant in front of it, and that Kukulkan could wipe her out of existence any time he wants. After 30 seconds she had heard explosions that were so loud she didn't think it was possible.

And then it was followed by a huge tornado that seemed to reach the sky and destroyed everything in its path. With the speed of the jet they were already quit far from it, several kilometers, but because she wasn't going at top speed she could hear the wind.

But it had stopped as fast as it had appeared. When she deemed she was far enough from the fight, she turned the ship and elevated it a little, to look at the battlefield. She was shocked y what she saw. A huge part of the forest had been destroyed, leaving a bare ground.

She could not see Night Walker because he was too small and she was too far, but she could clearly see Kukulkan. Then as she wondered whether Night Walker was alive, she got her answer as the God opened his mouth and projected a green ray.

It was too fast to follow with her eyes, but because it lasted for a second she could see it. After it disappeared no change was made on the battlefield because of how concentrated it was, but she could see that far in the distance where the trees had not been hit, a line seemed to have been formed without trees.

Kukulkan then fell on the ground and stopped moving, as if it was exhausted. Even though Natasha is cold and has almost no morals, she still felt bad. He had sacrificed himself for them, and that without hesitation. She sighed and flew at top speed toward Washington, where Shield's headquarters were.

Kukulkan, on the other side, was looking at where Mason was moments ago. Kukulkan had not seen the white transparent cloud hovering around Mason, it had happened too quickly, even Mason had not seen it.

No, currently Kukulkan was sweating because of another reason. He got down from the sky and landed on the ground. He was not bothered by any tree as the battle between the two had destroyed more than enough trees for him to put his entire body.

Kukulkan groaned and said to itself" If I had known humans so powerful I appeared on earth… This one would have killed me if it were in the past. But fortunately the Lord gave me his powers, otherwise I would be the one dead!"

Kukulkan looked at one of his many scales, and instead of being green like all the others, this one was black. Kukulkan sighed and began sleeping as he had overdone it. Due to his panic he made his last attack too powerful by putting much of his power in it, emptying his reserves.