Come back

I sighed and asked" Who are you?" The other voice answered" I'm you dumb ass. But enough question, what I am about to say will blow your mind off." I regained some hope and he added" You see it may be a reboot of your genes, they will just come back to how they were at the beginning.

That means yes you will lose every power of yours, but it is just another beginning. No spider powers and no Oz formula anymore, but you will still have that power of will." I grumbled back" How can this be good? I will have to start anew, and the first years I will be so freaking weak."

The voice laughed" Well you see the external powers you added are a double edged sword. No triple edged sword… No that's not possible? Wait, you are confusing me!" I was speechless in front of this voice. Is that really me?

The voice said" I am really you dumb ass. Well, you see your external powers may have been the reason you lost your powers, they were also the reason you got so powerful. Their presence degenerated your genes, but still made them way stronger.

To face that your X genes got on the same level, and thus enhanced your powers to a new level. That is why you touched the level of omnipotence. But that is not all! Your genes may be in the process of rebooting, your X genes are even stronger than your normal genes.

So when you lose your power you will lose a huge amount of X genes, and the normal ones will get back to how they were at your birth. But your X genes will not! They will stay how they are right now. That means get several advantages.

First because your X genes will have no problem overpowering your normal genes no seals will be created. Second from now on your powers are not haki anymore, they developed. From now on you have a whole new set of powers. Those powers are the one you have right now, only they will be on smaller scale."

This was a lengthy but necessary explanation. I left the mental space and reappeared next to the Ancient One. Well my mind did at least. I could feel that a part of my power had disappeared already thanks to that little talk.

I concentrated and was about to make some changes when I felt something weird, as if it was calling me. I looked around and saw that it was the Eye of Agammoto calling me. I felt a deep need to look at it.

The mechanism hiding the eye opened by itself, revealing the gem. As soon as I saw it I was again transported to another place. I looked around and saw New York, as normal as it could be. But then the people walking looked into the sky.

I looked too and saw the giant Kukulkan flying toward the city at a great speed. Then destruction began. He created several tornadoes, created wind blades that cut the buildings like tofu, and him crashing everything left with his gigantic body.

People tried to fight back, Spider Man appeared, soon followed by Iron Man and then Sorcerers. The fight was nothing but a slaughter. Peter and Tony both got hit by a tornado, getting shred into blood. The sorcerers lasted a bit longer but soon got cut in two by wind to.

I moved in the city and saw the death of many people, my parents, my friends, my love… Tears were flowing on my face as I was shooting at it to stop, I was trying to stop it but it was like I wasn't there.

The vision finished on what the Ancient One showed me, the destroyed New York. But soon another appeared, I saw Kukulkan destroying various cities, a little fight with the hulk where he got destroyed…

Soon the entire world got destroyed, barely any survivors left. The apocalyptic vision ended, but it did not stop there. After that I saw many visions, many stories, many things…

After what felt to be an eternity, I emerged from that state and came back to the real world. I looked around and used my power to make sure I wasn't in another one. The Ancient One asked" What happened?"

I shook my head and replied" Nothing." Now I know what I have to do. I know how to do it. I closed my eyes and focused. I want to use all of my remaining energy available to do the following things: The Ancient One will forget any interaction with me and what she lived in the future.

I want every person in the universe who knows Night Walker's real identity to forget it. I want any information written on papers or on any kind of computer to be erased, I want Nick Fury to forget our meetings, same with Black Widow and Agent Tobias.

I want all the X Men to forget my visit using my real identity, just know that I helped them. I want Jean Grey to forget about leaving the X Mansion to come with me, and if she has already moved then to go back there like nothing happened and no one to remember that she left.

This is all. I looked at the lost look on the Ancient One, and teleported with a smile. I still had quite some reserves left, more than the limit I fixed on myself. I destroyed that limit and looked down. I had teleported into space, and I could now see both North and South America.

Enhancing my vision, I looked in Guatemala and saw the still sleeping Kukulkan. I really wanted to kill him there, but I restrained myself and let him live a little bit longer. I had plans for him. Waiting for him to awake, I began examining my powers.

After all I would still have them after everything that is going to happen, only way way way weaker than now. But I want to control them. The first thing I searched is how to fill my reserves. Everytime I use my powers those reserves get some of their energy sucked.

Right now I can't recover that power, but in the future I will be able to. So I used my power to get the answer. Meditating. Next I tried to use my power in different ways. I tried to coat my body like before, and the results were different.

Now there isn't any black color appearing, now nothing can be seen. But my body gets powered. I can also change how much power I put in my body. As I put more and more powers, I can feel myself getting stronger.

It is different from haki. Now I am not adding a layer on me, now I am directly enhancing my body. Next I tried the observation haki. Again it was better than before. Now I wasn't just getting a rough form of a lifeforms, I now had a kind of 360° vision.

A bit like the Byakugan of Naruto. I could clearly see my surroundings. I can predict movements too, and not only those of living beings, those of inanimate being too, like a falling stone or something like that.

The only thing is that I lost the power to determinate someone's strength using it. Then I tried the Conqueror's haki, but was surprised to see that I couldn't do it. It had disappeared. Strange.

But this was only the beginning. Next, I flew. Yes, I flew in space, and at top speed. The experience was very enjoyable, but I soon had to stop because it was draining me too fast. Well that's because I was going too fast but well.

I had a lot of fun, but now I wanted to try something on another level. Life. I first tried to make a human, but I immediately saw that it was possible, but not with my current power. I would need omnipotence or even higher.

I also tried animals but them too were too complicated. So I went to the plants, and discovered that those were easier to make. I created some plants, some fruits that were quite good, and other things. But this was only a waste of energy, it took too much from me.

So next I tried creating new things. I created out of nothing metals, minerals, rocks… And elements. I mean the four elements. I created fire, earth, wind, water. They were really easy to create, It almost took nothing from me to do it.

But I could change them, make the fire hotter, change the water into subzero ice or burning steam, and those changes were what was taking much more energy. I created some lightning too, it was fun.

For the next four hours I tried different things that wouldn't ask me a lot of power to do. I discovered many ways to use my powers, and had a lot of fun doing it. I had also learned why Tony had told me that I had something strange because he trusted me too easily.

This was because I was unintentionally using my powers on my voice to hypnotize others, to make them more friendly and accept my words. This opened a whole new branch of powers, mind related ones.

This also made me remember the Phoenix, and I wondered whether my use of powers made it forget me too, or if it is too powerful to forget. But enough talk, now was time to act. Kukulkan had woken up and was currently heading toward New York, unaware of my presence.

The reason it was going there is because what it absorbed in the temple was Tobias's life-force, and that while absorbing it it also absorbed and assimilated his memories. With it he learned of New York and of it's importance to humans, and of our symbols of strength, superheroes.

He certainly thinks that if he can kill them in front of the world's eyes then no one will even try to fight against him. Well he is partially right, but he won't get the chance.

He was now flying above New York, and was projecting a huge shadow on I as he was hiding the sun. Almost everyone in the city looked at the giant serpent in the sky, many pissing their pants. Kukulkan is 2 kilometers long after all.

Kukulkan loudly roared" Humans, bow before Kukulkan, God of the Wind! Otherwise, Die!" Now that I am powerful I can feel that he is using some kind of power on his voice, to make it louder and sound more terrifying.

I wonder what his real voice is? But now was not the time to think of that. Spider Man and Iron Man arrived on the scene and looked at him. Peter could do nothing as Kukulkan was too high, but Tony gathered as much power as he could in his chest and fired at Kukulkan.

The latter only chuckled and blew on it lightly. The energy blast got destroyed and the wind created by the breath of Kukulkan quickly arrived on the heroes, sending them flying far away.

Now people were all on the verge of fainting. But it was at that moment that I appeared. Kukulkan had done what I wanted him to, now was time for revenge for he was about to do. I flew at top speed and appeared in front of him.

He looked at me astonished and said" How can you still be alive?!" I smirked, and saw that the cameras were on me. I turned back to him and said" Today you will die Kukulkan." He sneered and was about to speak but I did not let him.

I gathered power in my body, every energy left in my reserves went to strengthen my body. I began growing in size and quickly became a giant. As my reserves became empty, I had grown into a thousand meters being.