
Before, when I had just appeared in front of Kukulkan, I just looked like dust in size, not even an ant, his eyes are way bigger than my entire body. But now…

I became a thousand meters giant, that means I am only half his size if we take into account his elongated form, but I am way more thick. My arms alone are wider than his body. His head was now at the level of my foot, and I was towering him.

I could feel immense power flowing through my veins. There was actually a reason if I became this big. I could have totally become as strong as I am right now staying at the same size. But I cannot.

Battling a two kilometers long flying serpent with my normal size would be a pain in the ass, I would still win, only that I would have to use power to do that, and I don't want to, I want to fight him only by using my body.

It has nothing to do with manly pride or whatever other thing like that. No if I don't want to use those powers it is for one reason: After this day, Night Walker will disappear. But I won't stop being a hero, just that I will no longer go out as Night Walker, I will create a new alias.

The main reason behind this is that after this fight my powers will be gone. But most certainly after a fight of this scale, people will begin worshiping me and put humanity's safety on my shoulders. But how am I supposed to continue the job if I start back from nothing?

That is why today, in this fight, I will use my power to allow every human on this earth to witness the tragic death of Night Walker. Yeah I like that, so dramatic! I'm going to love that, seeing other mourn me while I'm next to them… It's gonna be awesome!

Well except the fact that most of humanity will certainly be depressing for some time, but for me it's going to be awesome. Oh come on, every day I am saving people, let me be egoistical for one day! I should really stop talking into my head, it's not like someone is listening…

[I am listening you complain all day you know.] I was shocked to hear this voice again.[You are shocked. Come on, you used your powers to let me stay inside your head like Deadpool. I know every thought of yours, remember]

Ah that's right… Well there ain't no rest for the wicked…[You don't own the rights for this sentence.] Come on! It doesn't even exist in this world! [But it does exist in the world of the readers.] What are you talking about?

[Don't worry about that. Now stop losing yourself in your thought, we have a serpent to kill.] Right, we… You mean I have to kill a GOD! But yeah it's gonna be fun.

I may be giant now, my speed didn't decrease. No, it is even better now. Remember Quicksilver? He is faster than me of course! The man is too fast, like it's unfair. But still, I am faster than most people. Well I am way faster than Kukulkan.

My foot disappeared from view and instantly reappeared on his head, smashing it. His head was about to touch the ground when I teleported both of us to Arizona. In the desert. I felt the power inside me decrease with each movement I made, and that teleportation took more energy than I thought.

But I'm still fine, just a little slower. Kukulkan's head finally connected with the ground, creating a giant hole tens of meters deep, with his head inside, but seemingly unharmed. [Don't be too violent on him! You must make this fight look like a fair fight, not a one sided slaughter! How are you gonna explain you're dead if you dominated him?]

I chuckled and jumped back. I used some of the power in my body as to not create another earthquake with my jumping. This is also what I used to teleport. I also used it right now to connect satellites to look at me and record the fight, before creating a program with my mind that will put the video all over the internet.[Your power is too OP...]

Kukulkan got up from the ground and began hovering again, and this time he was looking at me in complete fear. [Of course he looks at you with fear, he couldn't even react and got smashed into the ground! Look exhausted!]

I smiled and thought that it was a great decision to keep him with me. I may be very intelligent, my combat awareness isn't that great. But now with him at my side, it's gonna be better. Should I give you a name?

[I will choose one myself, for the moment focus on the damn fight! If you lose your attention you will strike too strongly and kill him by accident! We don't want that do we?] I rolled my eyes and said to myself" We don't want that."

Kukulkan in front of me looked like he was really despairing. He gathered energy in his mouth and began creating his strongest attack.

Just before it got sent my way I feinted rushing at him to stop him, but only to be too late.[You're a great actor keep it up! Now that we're talking of it, we don't we become an actor after all this mess?]

I took the beam in the chest and hardly felt a tickle, but I dramatically flew back and let blood drop on the ground. As soon as those drops touched the ground they got absorbed by it and something incredible happened.

[Yeah trees and grass appeared on the harsh ground of the desert, what a miracle! But seriously it is quite good looking, good job.] Ah you ruined it. Yeah this isn't really my blood, it is something I created that create life, well plants.

So yeah there's no need to worry about people extracting some of my blood and try to become powerful with it or whatever. It's not my real blood again.

Kukulkan looked less despaired than before now, he saw me get injured, badly injured [Great Actor I say!] and saw a chance to win. He slithered in the air at top speed and lunged at me. I evaded his bite by a small margin and punched his head.

He whipped me with his tail as I punched him a second time, sending another wave of blood on the ground. Some of Kukulkan's blood also fell, but they evaporated before touching the ground.

Kukulkan wrapped his long body around my torso and began squeezing while I got his head in a headlock. [You could break his neck and everything would be over, but sadly you wouldn't 'die' doing that.]

Stop man, you sound like you really want me to die. I briefly made my entire suit on me electric, stunning Kukulkan and paralyzing him, and threw him from me, ripping a part of his tail on the way. The tip I had ripped of his body disintegrated just like his blood.

I knew thanks to Mr Voice that if it was doing that it was because it was returning to the original plane of existence Kukulkan comes from. Well that's what he thinks. You see the visions I had pissed me off quite a little bit, so I did a little trick…

[I know you brought his true soul and all of his godly essence in his body so that when you kill him he will really die and never come back again.] You cheater, you already knew from the beginning. Hey tell me, do you still have omniscience and know everything?

[Stop dreaming I just became a voice in your head, I lost that thing, omniscience.] Too bad, it would have been useful, but well it wouldn't really have been funny anymore if I had the answer to everything.

Kukulkan was not afraid anymore but instead was angered by the pain coming from his tail. He doesn't know he is in mortal danger, but he will come to know eventually…[Or not, he will just disappear from the universe as without a soul he can't go to hell.]

Ah that's right. Well too bad Kuku. He created several tornadoes in his mouth and was about to throw them at me but I rushed at him and immediately closed his mouth, and kept it shut. Then the tornadoes fully formed inside his mouth and ripped it apart.

That is my vengeance, hurting him using his own power. Quite satisfying.[Sadist…] I chuckled and grabbing Kuku tightly I began spinning. After gaining what I deemed to be enough speed I threw him into the ground.

[Good, now you created another earthquake. You are lucky it will dissipate because of the spell you created, otherwise North America would like that fight!] Due that's why I made the spell in the beginning Dumby…

I got your name! Dumby! Hey Dumby, how are you doing Dumby? Hey Dumby, Where is the library?[Wh.. What?! Dumby? You freaking assho…] Yeah keep it shut I need to concentrate on the fight.

Kukulkan wobbled back in the air, in fact it was quite a funny thing to see a flying giant serpent wobble in the air...[Focus!] Yeah right. Well he looked at me in anger and prepared his final attack. But I could already see that it was a feint for something else.

He created another beam of light, but this one was way more powerful than any other. At the same time Kukulkan's voice loudly reverberated in the air" This is my strongest attack, I will put every energy I have left in it.

I already know you are stronger than me by far, but are they?" At the same time he turned his head to the biggest city near us, Las Vegas. This city isn't in the state of Arizona but near the border, so we can see it as we are one kilometer in the sky.

[Your eyes are at one kilometer, be careful with your words, people may think that your feet are at One kilometer, making your eyes be at two kilometers.] You are the only one hearing my thought and even if someone could hear it, they wouldn't be dumb enough to make the mistake, right?

[Sigh you better not lower our rankings you fool.] Unable to decipher the meaning behind his words, I focused back on the fight. People could not see my face so I did not bother making a shocked face and just stood in the way of Kukulkan and Las Vegas.

He was doing exactly what I wanted him to do, and even added the bonus of saying he was going all out and that I could 'survive' if I wanted to. Yeah I made sure something somewhere recorded his voice, it will add awesomeness to my 'death'.

Kukulkan fired his [Ultra Mega Super Powerful Beam Of The Bloody Death]… at me and feigned falling to the ground. I rolled my eyes at how bad he played, and crossed my arms in front of my chest, taking a defensive posture.

The beam, that I could easily disperse, crashed on me, and I feigned being pushed back. The beam lasted two seconds, and as I lowered my seemingly burned arms in exhaustion, Kukulkan suddenly arrived and bit my neck.

Oh no I was unprepared and got bit to the neck, making sure I will die! But I need to be a heroic hero and not give up! [Stop the act, you even wasted some of the power you had to not feel the pain. Now kill him and die in a grand way.]

I got caught; again. it's not easy to lie to something...[SOMEONE!!!]. Like I said, it's hard to lie to SOMEONE who can read every thought you have. Humm what should I do now?

[I don't know, you could either kill it right now and finish this and make everyone awestruck behind their screens, or Author-sama could be an asshole and make them wait for next chapter to see your epic death.]

Why can't I understand you sometimes? But Dumby ignored me and continued pissing people off [I already know how this arc will end and how my god it is bloody amazing, you really are unlucky o miss this, if you are unhappy, I think the solution is to give your power stones to the story and give it good reviews. But I'm not sure, that's what Author-sama told me and he is an asshole so…]

SlyOW: You shut your mouth or I erase you from this story Dumby! For punishment I will go back into the chapter and call you Dumby! That's right, the first time you said that I didn't give you a name as I didn't know what to put, but now I know! As for you readers if you don't understand what I just said, don't worry, space-time is something difficult to comprehend, so don't worry you didn't become idiots.

[No please, nooo! Goddammit, it's too late, the chapter has uploaded.]