
I slept for the rest of the day. Later in the evening, when my parents came back home, they decided to not wake me up, certainly thinking that the recent events shook me or something. [If they knew you are the one who teared Kukulkan in two… To think you left him there and transformed him into fertilizer.]

It seems I really needed that sleep as I slept until early in the morning the next day. I had slept for more than half a day. Yeah, really tired. I got down the stairs and got in the kitchen, making myself a quick breakfast.

But as I was eating my cereals, looking into the void and thinking about the world...[Thinking of the booty of a certain someone…], someone called me on the phone.

I did not bother looking at who it was and just took it. " Yeah?" Peter's voice answered" Mason? How are you doing buddy?" [I just lost my powers, fought and killed a god…] I ignored Dumby and said " I'm fine. What you're calling for?"

Peter, having no idea I was conversing with a voice in my head, replied" Well you know we are Friday but there is no work today, because of yesterday's events. And I wondered if you would like to come to see MJ with us?"

I sighed but before I could say anything Peter added" Harry won't be there!" I smiled and replied" Okay then, when is it?" But Dumby said [You really are like a child, seriously he has been an asshole but try to avoid him so much…]

I don't care it's not my problem. Peter was obviously happy by my answer when he said" Great then! We will go eat at the usual place. Come meet us there at noon." I hummed back in response and cut the call.

The usual place he was talking about is a fast food in Manhattan where the two of us would often go."

I started eating my cereals again, and decided to go watch the news. But every channel was only talking about me, it was kind of annoying. I really have nothing to do… [You know your term begins Monday right?]

I shot up from my seat and said" What? It has already been two months?! Time pass so fast!" [Yeah well you were kind of busy so I guess you didn't see time pass. But there is also that job at Stark, when do you think they will call?]

It's going to be so annoying. At least I won't have to go out as Night Walker anymore, but between the lab and school… I wish I could quit school. [But apart from Harry there is nothing that bad there right?]

I shrugged and replied aloud" Yeah sure but I feel like I'm wasting my time. Nothing interesting happens over there, what I do there doesn't help anyone, so why should I go?"

Dumby answered[Because you seriously lack social skills and that it is something needed in today's society, especially if you want to get Susan.]

I replied offended" What do you mean I lack those skills? I am perfectly fine!" Dumby chuckled and asked [Then tell me, you are going to see MJ, but what for?] I froze, and awkwardly replied" Okay you win, asshole…"

But Dumby was not finished [And you are becoming dumb too! Seriously, I am you, so calling me an asshole is calling yourself an asshole.] I smiled and asked teasingly" Are you mean because I called you Dumby?"

But Dumby sighed and replied [I know it's not your fault, it is the choice of a certain someone.] I did not understand what he meant so I ignored him. I spent the rest of the morning on my phone checking what happened on the net.

Obviously there was the video of me fighting against Kukulkan, displayed on several platforms. May it be on YouTube or any other site, tons of comments accompanied it. Many were crying over that, by I did not read much of them.

I already knew everything that happened, so there wasn't any point in looking once more. Other than that questions had been asked to Tony, mainly what he felt about this attack and how powerful had Kukulkan been, as he briefly fought him.

Tony may be arrogant, he wasn't a liar. He truthfully said that he wouldn't have been able to defeat the god, and even added that if I wasn't there then even with all of our nuclear bombs humanity would have lost against Kukulkan.

He doesn't know how right he is. Seriously Kukulkan would just have absorbed the energy from the bombs. Even the infamous Tsar bomba wouldn't have had much effect. Of course that bomb releases so much energy that Kukulkan wouldn't have been able to absorb it all, but it wouldn't be enough to threaten him.

But that wasn't all, people had quickly asked the government many questions about the Protector's forest. Many were impressed by the giant statue, but they still hadn't discovered it's purpose. But most importantly they weren't able to enter it.

[They can't enter because the forest doesn't want them to. Like you wrote on it, only those in need may enter the forest.] I raised an eyebrow " Does that mean that the entire Arizona desert is now my territory? That's cool."

Dumby replied [You can see it like that… But don't forget that it isn't unreachable. The trees may be indestructible, the twigs are not. And what are restraining people isn't the trunk of the trees, it is the twigs. But I don't think someone would be daring enough to break in.]

I nodded and returned to my phone. I learned that people were already giving me names, like the Father of Heroes or God of Heroes or The Protector… The thing is that because people are unable to get in the forest right now, they can't see the message about me no being god over there.

I fear people will soon begin to see me as god… What a hassle. But all of this wasn't the most important. Guess what it is Dumby. Dumby replied [I can read your mind you know.]

I replied" Yeah but don't do it, it won't be fun." Dumby sighed and said [Whatever, you're talking abut those discussions on heroes?] I said" Exactly. To think I would have such a positive effect. Before many people were still hesitant about heroes and would treat them like criminals, the best example being J. Jonah Jameson.

Even though he hasn't changed, many others have. Recently people, mainly Senators, were talking about Stark who didn't want to hand over his weapons, his armors. I know that this is something that happens in the second film of Iron Man in the MCU.

But now they had lost some of their supporters. Unfortunately it wasn't only positive. They now use the argument of what if another giant serpent shows up, they would be more efficient with a hundred armors rather than one.

But soon I will need to go out, so I lit off my phone and went to prepare myself. After an enjoyable shower and changing clothes, I got out of my house and walked to the fast food we set the meeting at.

At first I wanted to take my car, but I didn't know if others would be there. It would be awkward if I show up with a four place car and that there are five or six people. So I took the beloved metro and headed there.

On the way I thought about my future as a hero. I had doubts. I don't know what I should do. Am I supposed to become a hero? Why would I need to become one? From what I saw and experienced since I arrived in this world, it is a slightly changed MCU.

If everything goes like it was shown in the movies, they wouldn't need me as a hero, they already have enough of them. Why can't I just continue my career as a scientist?

I could be of even more help as one. Because there may be many villains, the Avengers, the X Men, or other heroes will always be there for them. But what about the other things?

My forest is the best example. I may have done this as a hero, it is a scientist marvel. It will solve food problems in many parts of the world because plantations will have more resources from the ground, water will be the same.

Pollution has also been erased. So yeah I saved the world as a hero, but I saved a large part of the world as a scientist too. And in the future, as a scientist, I will be able to create an almost infinite source of clean energy, a remedy to one of the worst decease, and certainly many more things.

Dumby interjected [But what tells you that no new villain will appear? In the future as we know the two biggest villains are going to be Thanos and Hela, but maybe others will appear too. First there may be cosmic entities coming for Earth, there's the Phoenix, Apocalypse is not bad too…]

I rebutted in my mind " But I can act as a scientist then! I can create the bombs, big ones, traps, help other heroes, like what I am doing with Iron Man right now. I could do so many things!"

[But why don't you do both?] I sighed, and I certainly looked strange sighing in the metro alone, and replied in my head" Stop it, you already know." [I want to hear you say it.] "But why?" [Say it!]

"I don't want to return as a hero." Dumby asked [Why?] I answered" Because I am afraid! Happy?!" Dumby sighed and told me [No I'm not. Why are you afraid? Seriously I can't enter that part of your mind.]

I was a bit stunned by what he said but still replied" Look, I already became mad one time, what if I lose my powers again? And even then, I was lucky the first time because my foolishness didn't harm my closed ones.

Seriously what if this time I make a mistake and endanger one of my parents, my friends, or Sue." Dumby replied [You become stronger! If you reach a high enough level then no one will harm them.]

I had to stop there because I had arrived at my station, but I was still having doubts. In the futures I had seen, none of them were showing anything after I regain my powers. All of them stopped when my powers were still on cool down.

I could see that Dumby's words were making sense, but is there really a need for me to create another hero. Whenever I ask myself this question, I always find plenty of reasons of coming back, and each time there would be more, but every time there is always only one thing that makes me not wanting to go back.

It is a sentence that I before thought was only partially true, but it seems it is simply the truth: Good brings evil, evil brings good, like without Light there isn't any Darkness.

I always liked this proverb, but I wasn't really believing it. But now, with everything that happened, I can't be sure anymore. I mean, I can't even remember Kukulkan from the comics, so does that mean he appeared in this world because I appeared?

Soon I had arrived to the fast food, and there I could see three people sitting at a table, Peter, Liz and MJ. They saw me and waved at me. I smiled, emptying my head from those thoughts and walked to their table.