End of the line

Everyone launched an all out rain of attacks on Okubi's grey form. The attacks barely scratched the surface of his body as he crawled closer and closer with large and earth shattering steps. James bent his knees and stared Okubi in the eyes. Leaping into the air, James glided over Okubi's head and began running along his body with both swords slicing through his skin. Okubi quickly retaliated by causing arms to grow out of his back that grabbed at James. One of them caught his legs and James fell; nearly falling off Okubi's back. He stabbed one sword into the side of Okubi and used it as an anchor to pull himself up into the air only to be hit out of the sky by another swam of arms. Mathew caught James with a skeleton but his loss of concentration caused him to topple over from the shaking. Izzy helped him up just as Okubi stopped moving forward.

Lines of energy of all colours surged from all over Okubi's body towards were the scythe was. Soon a ball of energy formed and it released a beam of energy that tore through the earth. It quickly swept across the ground were everyone was and sent them all flying. Izzy caught the asurians in the arms of her mech while Ben caught the others with a gust of wind.

"With the power of the omni-god, he's practical invincible." said Rawley. James looked down at his sword as memories of his fight with Alice returned and the splitting of the omni-crystal.

"But not completely invincible!" said James. Everyone looked at him as a smile spread across his face. "Welcome back memories."

"W-What! But the ritual should have wiped them from you!" said Gaia astounded.

"The ritual was never fully completed. There will be many side-effects but it seems that becoming a god restored his emotions and memories." said Rawley.

"How is he a god?" ask William

"Cynthinia is gone so her power goes to the next in line. And since that sword holds her power, the next in line is James." said Jack. He stumbled up to them with a still regrowing body. Everyone pointed their weapons at him but James kept his lowered.

"Your memories have returned as well?" asked James.

"No, but my objective is to remove those who have abilities that don't deserve them. And he's my next target. I'll fight with you this once ... but after this we're enemies again." Jack prodded at James' chest. James pushed him back a few metres just as a beam from Okubi ripped through where he would've been.

"Fine by me. But you're gonna need a weapon." James gestured to Rawley and she opened a portal in front of James. He leaned in and exited a few seconds later with a small metal cube. He tossed it to Jack.

"What am I supposed to do with this?! Rubik him to death?!" shouted Jack. James mimed punching the cube and Jack reluctantly did so. The cube was like liquid and ran across Jack's skin forming two blobs that covered his arms. Like shrink-wrap, it moulded to the shape of his arms and formed a sort of liquid armour.

"It's amazing what you can steal from the government these days! Nano-bots come ready packaged as cubes." said James in a slightly shocked tone.

Okubi's stamping on the ground in anger suddenly snapped them out of their conversation. The look of anger on Okubi could be felt from the weight of his power on the group.

"The plan's simple then! Get James and the celestial weapon close enough so he can sever the connection between Okubi and the weapon of darkness!" explained Liam. They all agreed. James looked at Jack and the two exchanged a nod and a handshake.

"Ready?" asked Jack. Without time to answer, James was swung ahead by Jack and quickly followed by the others. James looked back at Abigail and nodded. He tossed her his second sword and she smiled with glee. Okubi's charged another beam and fired at the group in the sky. It hit Jack first but the metal formed a shield that refracted the beam back at Okubi. One refraction hit him in one of his legs and he fell onto his knee. Gaia landed on her hands and knees and sent a wave of vines coursing through the ground that shot up and latched onto two of Okubi's legs. Izzy, Liam, and Edward hit the joint on another an forced it to bend in the opposite direction and held it down. Rawley hit another with a hammer and the asurians helped her hold it while Matilda, Mathew, and Abigail took down the last one. James and Jack landed in the head in front of Okubi's body.

"You mortals are nothing to me! Bow down before me while you still can!" shouted Okubi. The nano-metal grew spikes on Jack's fist and he punched Okubi in the face. James dropped down to the scythe and looked at his sword. Same as before, just once more.

"It ends here Okubi!" James brought up his sword ready to cut the scythe in half and release it's energy; this time not letting it get away.

"Wait! If you kill me, you'll lose the last of your family. Your mother doesn't even know who you are and you just killed your great grandfather." pleaded Okubi. James laughed at him.

"Look around you. I've got all the family I need right here." said James and he raised his sword up higher. It's glowed white just as it had done before and James brought it down on the scythe. Dark energy quickly blocked the sword and pushed back as James poured as much power into his sword as he could. The energy gave in and the scythe was cut in half sending auras flying in all directions. The huge body on Okubi began to disintegrate and the others let go. James and Jack jumped off, joined the others, and watched as Okubi disappeared leaving a crater where he once stood. The scythe fell to the floor and Jack picked it up. The nano-metal coated it giving it a slightly longer blade and a few spikes on the other end. Jack turned to James before teleporting away.

Okubi crawl over the edge of the crater and looked at the group. He pointed at James and fired a tiny beam of energy that ripped through his left arm leaving a small hole. Abigail turned to Okubi and raised her hand at him her eyes glowed and her hair snapped through the bands holding it together and floated as if she was in space. The earth around Okubi rose as he did and he slowly crumpled up into a tiny ball as Abigail closed her hand. She released her hand and the ball and her hair dropped to the floor. Her eyes ceased to glow and she rushed over to James.

"Are you alright?" she asked, panicking slightly. The hole quickly sealed up.

"It's fine. Only a small wound. Crushing my ancestor on the other hand, is not fine. How did you do that?" asked James. Abigail shook her head and shrugged.

"It just came by instinct I guess." she said. James looked at William with a shocked and scared look. William burst our laughing.

"Sorry, I can't take you seriously with that tail. You look like a bull." he said through his laughter. James put his sword away and the horns and tail retreated.

The group looked forward at the horizon on which the sun was just setting. The hooded figure in the trees was joined by the omni-god who pulled their hood off.

"I told you not to wear that! It makes you look like an antagonist in the story!" they said. I pulled the hood back over my head and smiled.

"When am I allowed to fight him?" I asked. The omni-god stood up and leaned against the trunk of the tree.

"Fifty years son, fifty years." they said. I stood up and hugged them.

"See you in fifty years then. Oh and make sure Lucifer gets better. I don't want him missing out on the fun." I said and I leaped down through a portal. Ready to wait fifty years.