First Fight

"Jen" Lucas said in a calm voice as he looked at his girlfriend that was clearly upset. He did not know what to say at that moment.

"Forget it," Jen said decisively and stood up to leave.

"Calm down first, it's a negotiation" Lucas said in an attempt to persuade her. When Jen heard this she couldn't help but scoff at him. Lucas felt strange when he saw her actions, but he didn't try to agitate her anymore.

"Negotiation? This is obviously you hoping for a boyfriend discount! let me tell you, forget it" Jen said

"How did you want to split the profits?" Lucas asked.

"20/80" Jen said as she touched her empty glass of water. she knew that she would have probably emptied its contents on his head if she didn't spit it on his face.

"20/80?" Lucas said with a raised eyebrow. She thought he was being outrageous? What exactly was she trying to accomplish?

"Yes," Jen said.

"Why?" Lucas asked.