Holding back

Soon enough she could feel Lucas drift back to sleep. Jen however was still slightly dazed, she was confused as to whether they have reconciled or if they were still at a stalemate. However, she was soon lulled to sleep with Lucas' rhythmic breathing.

The next day she woke up before Lucas, their bodies were tangled as one of his legs was between hers and his arm was comfortably resting on her lower back with his palm on her ass. Jen could only shake her head with an amused smile. Who knew where his other hand would have been if her head was not on his shoulder?

Jen looked at his face and couldn't help but admire his looks. His full lips were partially open and she failed to resist the urge to touch them with her finger tips. His straight nose that gave his face a sharp appeal and his hazel eyes that were staring into hers.