
Lucas sat next to Jen as the other two girls sat on the opposite side together. Laura was chattering non-stop as she was telling Jen all about her career and all the people she met as she worked as a model.

"I heard you had brothers" Laura said catching Lucas off guard almost making him choke on his food.

"Yes, I have two older brothers" Lucas answered after swallowing his food. He wisely chose not to put anything in his mouth and waited for the questions he knew were coming.

"Oh really? Are they single" Laura asked bluntly making Jen's jaw drop from surprise.

"I see you have gotten more shameless since I wasn't around to keep you in check" Jen said as she tried distracting Laura but Laura was not having it at all.

"As far as I know they are both single" Lucas answered. He did not see the harm in doing so.

"Oh, is that so ?" Laura said as a cunning smile appeared on her face.