Take your time.

Lucas had finished washing the dishes and snuck up the stairs to his study to do some things from work. He was not purposely being antisocial, he hadn't expected guests and had hoped that he would spend the evening with Jen. He assumed that she wanted to catch up with her friends and wisely left them to their own devices as he went to keep himself busy.

The girls ended up talking for hours on end about why Jen ended up moving to City X which made up for a teary conversations and also about how Rachel has not dared to date ever since she left, even though she had been propositioned numerous times which also brought about tears.

Lucas had been going to get a glass of water but paused on the stairs when he heard their teary voice.

When he realised that the atmosphere was heavy, he silently went back to the study glad that he had chosen not to join them as he couldn't imagine how awkward the atmosphere would be if he had.