In His Arms

Unbeknownst to them, Jen who was standing on the balcony of Lucas' room had seen them and as she watched the progression of events her jaw dropped leaving her mouth open.

Was the air at the estate different? Or was there something in the water? She watched as the pair galloped around the spacious field and couldn't stop herself from calling Lucas.

"Lucas!" Jen called sharply still in shock. A few seconds later she felt herself being hugged from behind and Lucas' wet hair dripping water on her neck.

"What is it?" Lucas asked.

"Who is he?" Jen asked and pointed in the direction of the horse. Lucas saw the tattooed guy and chuckled.

"That's Brian, why?" Lucas asked.

"He is with Rachel" Jen said and only after she mentioned it did Lucas notice that there was a blonde woman who was sitting in front of Brian.

He knew her character and how withdrawn she normally was, so he was also surprised to see the two together. It looked like they were getting along well enough.