Delicate boyfriend.

Rachel felt like she was caught doing something wrong and released Brian almost losing her balance once more. She hurriedly clung to his wide shoulders once more so she wouldn't fall.

Brian was able to tell that she was not feeling comfortable so he went to one of the benches and sat her down on it without paying any mind to their audience.

Although he wanted to massage her legs to restore circulation, he opted not to do so since they had an audience. Rachel did not say much as she was experiencing pins and needles so she was focussing on not making weird noises.

"Lucas" Brian said once he made sure that Rachel was comfortable and went forward to give him a bro hug.

"Happy birthday" Brian said releasing him. On the side, Laura was observing Brian very intently.

"Thanks, umm, this is Jen, my girlfriend, and that is Laura her friend" Lucas said as he introduced the two girls to Brian.

"Oh?, I'm Brian" he introduced himself and extended his arm and shook both the girls' hands.