Ginger tea

Not long after everyone else came downstairs for breakfast and the table was very lively.

"Where did you guys go last night?" Laura asked Nancy and Leanna curiously.

"There is a club a few minutes away, it's pretty exclusive." Jason answered Laura.

"Ooh, it must have been fun" Laura said slightly enviously.

"You didn't want to come along since you were taking advantage of that beauty over there" Jason teased and pointed at James who was in a bad mood since he was practically drunk all day yesterday.

He only had a glass of water in front of him that he could barely drink and the only thing that saved Jason was that James was seated quite some distance from him and he was too hungover to care about him teasing him.

"Beauty?" Nancy asked in puzzlement and followed the direction of where Jason was pointing and saw James' glare towards Jason. She felt slight chills when she saw his glare and looked down at her plate and silently ate her toast.