They What?!

Brian had led Rachel away from the group so that they would be able to talk in a much more private setting. Rachel nervously fiddled with her fingers and looked at her feet as they were walking. She had become especially meek after breakfast since no one else was around them.

All her false bravado was for naught when they were alone. After a deep sigh, she opened her mouth to say something but was promptly interrupted by Brian.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have assumed that you drink" Brian said as he stopped walking to look back at her since she was lagging behind.

"Oh, umm, I should have told you that I don't drink. It was my fault too" Rachel rushed to say. It would impractical if she pretended that she was not responsible for herself.

"Mmh, about what happened last night" Brian started but was cut off by Rachel.

"I was drunk so let-"