Try to Work.

When Jen arrived on campus, she remembered that she hadn't talked to Laura and Rachel the previous day. As she was walking to class she tried calling Laura but no one was picking up the call. She hung up and called Rachel who only picked up after five rings.

"Rachel?" Jen called once she heard her pick up the phone.

"Mmh?" Rachel responded.

"Did you two get home safely?" Jen asked.

"Mmh" Rachel responded. She still sounded sleepy even though she was not actively speaking.

"Did you arrive late last night?" Jen asked since she knew Rachel was an early riser.

"Mmh," Rachel responded once more.

"Is Laura back home too?" Jen asked after taking a deep breath. She was starting to get slightly annoyed with the responses.

"She came back with James" Rachel responded, finally using her words.

"Oh, at least she came back. Well let me let you sleep" Jen said and hung up before Rachel responded with 'mmh' again.