Hots for David

"Don't worry too much, although her last relationship did not end well, I know Leanna isn't reckless" Nancy said reassuring Jen.

"How did the two of you even happen. I hardly even saw you two talk to each other" Jen asked curiously.

"Well it sorta just happened. It's not like anything happened between us, we're just friends" Leanna explained.

"Oh is that so?" Jen asked with lifted eyebrows. She was feeling slightly disappointed since she was hoping that she would be able to get more details.

"Well, they just disappeared when we went to the club on the night of Lucas' birthday" Nancy said ratting her out.

"Really?" Jen said and even adjusted the way she was sitting so she could pay better attention to what Nancy was saying.

"Yes, although it looked like Ethan is a bit shy compared to how straightforward Leanna is, he was a mess when he was talking to her" Nancy commented and yelped loudly when Leanna pinched her arm for talking too much.