Wants to Retire.

"Your back?" Laura said as she came out of her room. She was still barely dressed although she had obviously changed throughout the day.

"Mmh," Jen responded as she looked at Laura who walked towards her sofa and sat down next to her.

"You know she came back an hour ago right?" Laura said snitching on Rachel who decided that she would remain quiet as arguing with Laura would be completely fruitless.

"And you forgot about where she told you she was going" Jen retorted silencing Laura.

"Are you hungry?" Rachel asked clearly happy that Jen took her side.

"I just had a sandwich, don't worry about me. You can fix yourself something if you want" Jen said as she politely refused.

"I'm hungry" Laura said but was ignored by Rachel who was headed for the kitchen already.

"You really won't eat anything?" Laura asked Jen as she lay on her lap. Jen looked down at her and shook her head before taking out her phone from her back pocket.