Bring a date.

The following day, Jen was able to meet Nancy and Leanna at the cafeteria for a chat since she was already done with her classes. The three girls were talking animatedly up until Jen remembered what Lucas said about inviting Nancy for the company launch party.

"I just remembered" Jen blurted out, silencing the other two girls.

"What is it?" Nancy asked curiously.

"Nancy, Are you free next weekend?" Jen asked Nancy.

"Well I haven't made any plans, so i'm pretty much free, why?" she asked tilting her head.

"Well, there is a launch party at Lucas' company and he was extending an invitation. David will be there" Jen said.

"Really?" Nancy asked her eyes brightening up.

"Mmh, do you want to go?" Jen asked. She really felt like she was being a matchmaker. She did not want to believe that she and Lucas had become 'that' couple that wanted to see everyone around them date.

"Sure" Nancy agreed.