Lunch delivery.

As Jen walked to the library she carefully thought about what happened the previous day. She was really hoping that there was a possibility that she was not seen by Tyler, but then a random memory of how Lucas was waving at an 'acquaintance' surfaced and she stopped in her tracks.

She did not even care that the other students were in full view of her peculiar behaviour before she buried her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"He definitely saw it. I'm sure he saw it" Jen said and made a U-turn to the parking lot. She was absolutely sure that she would not be able to study anything and she would just end up wasting her time in the library.

As she walked towards the parking lot, she took out her phone and dialled Lucas' number. She knew he was coming home late and she did not have the patience to wait until later so she decided that she would just go to his office. Lucas didn't take too long to pick up the phone and picked it up after three rings.