Is something wrong with that?

Jen finally arrived at the company twenty minutes later and after calling Lucas, she was given a pass at the reception together with one of the restaurant staff. She went up with the first batch of food and to also show them where they will need to bring the food.

Jen's sudden appearance surprised the people working on the same floor as Lucas especially since she was being followed by what looked like waiters. Jen had her eyes fixed to one direction, which was Lucas' office.

If the floor was not carpeted, the sound of her heels would have echoed in the entire building. She gave polite smiles to the people that greeted her but did not slow down at all with her advance to Lucas' office.

The people following her had to half jog as they followed her. They didn't know someone could be so comfortable taking such long strides in heels. At the end of the corridor that ran alongside the cubicle was the glass door that opened into the secretaries' office.