Causing trouble

Jen thought that it would be best if she did not try to explain herself because there was no way she could word what she had done in a way that negated what he said.

"Don't you think you're being a bit too much?" Lucas asked as he stood up from the sofa and walked towards her.

"Uh-" Jen nervously said as she looked at her feet.

"Miss Larson, I think I need to remind you that you are now MY girlfriend, right?" Lucas said accentuating the 'my' in his sentence. Jen had to pinch herself to make sure that this was not some sort of dream.

Lucas was seriously in a bad mood at this point. He hated the fact that Jen came all the way to his office to confront him about a man she had already broken up with over a year ago. It was not very pleasant, in fact, it made him angry at her for the first time in forever.