Still upset

When Lucas had left his office he was in a better mood. Before going up to his house he had stopped at the parking lot and smoked again to calm himself down.

He could feel himself getting stressed out even before going home. After snuffing out the cigarette with his shoe, Lucas took his briefcase and made his way up. 

He didn't have to open the door to know that Jen had cooked a lot. He could smell the food the moment the elevator doors opened. Although it smelled good, he was not hungry at all. He was not in the mood to eat since she brought him lunch that afternoon. 

Lucas opened the door and took a deep breath before going inside. The house was completely silent, not even the television was on. This made him slightly worried that perhaps something happened to Jen, but when he saw sitting at the dining table when he got in, he was relieved and silently made his way upstairs to freshen up.