Ridiculous question.

Since Jen was flustered, she ended up staying quiet for quite some time. Lucas shifted his attention from the view outside to Jen.

"Was that it?" Lucas asked when he realised Jen was not even trying to reassure him.

"Of course that isn't it. You know how I feel about you" Jen said feeling flustered. She hadn't realised that she had been lost in her thoughts for a tad bit too long.

"I've never put anyone else's needs above yours. Why can't you afford me the same courtesy? Or is it because I love you more?" Lucas asked.

Jen looked at his back that strangely looked lonely even though they were in the same room. She did not see the point in defending herself. In fact, anything she would say from this point onwards would just sound like excuses because, at the end of the day, reality still existed.

She could try embellishing the whole situation in sweet words to coax Lucas from his clearly shitty mood, but what would that resolve?