My girl?

Tyler was already slightly buzzed after drinking for an hour, so when Naya was brought to the lounge, she was startled into a stop when she saw Tyler smile widely at her. She could tell immediately that he was inebriated. 

What she found even more interesting was that he looked even more carefree with the smile on his face. It could also be because he was dressed more casually that night and the earring he had on gave his smile a more sinister charm. His hair that was normally combed back had fallen forward covering his forehead and eyes. The look made him look much younger and relaxed.

"Come sit," Tyler said still maintaining the smile on his face. His eyes lingered for a bit too long on her body as she was dressed differently from what he was used to.

She was wearing a pair of light blue shorts and a white crop top that showed off her smooth stomach, her slim waist and her belly button.