Came prepared

Naya was not sure whether she should laugh or cry. Due to her own nervousness, she had ended up finishing the bottle of brandy and when she had refilled her glass, she realised that the bottle had already been replaced. She was no longer sure of how much Tyler had actually drunk before she had arrived at the club.

Tyler had stopped bothering her and had his gaze focused on what was going on on the dance floor below.

"Do you want to go dance?" Naya teased.

"Shall we?" Tyler asked seriously as he stood up. Naya was not expecting such a serious response from him.

She hadn't even thought he would have been interested in actually dancing. She had clearly forgotten that he was not sober if he was then the only way she would have been able to get him on the dance floor would be by some sort of miracle.

"Are you being serious?" Naya asked with raised eyebrows.