Lunch date

Jen was woken up by Lucas' alarm in the morning. The longer the alarm rang, the more annoyed she felt. She tried turning her body so she could get out of bed but Lucas was holding on to her tightly with his face buried in her hair.

Jen's back was pressed against Lucas' front with one of his arms draped around her waist. She was feeling really tempted to just go back to sleep since she didn't have classes but Lucas had to go to work and she couldn't stand the annoying sound of his alarm.

She tried to get out of bed once more but her efforts were completely futile. She finally gave up on trying to leave the bed herself and started shaking Lucas awake. She heard him mumble something incoherently before he buried his face in her neck and continued to sleep.

"Lucas can you let me go," Jen said in exasperation

"Mmh?" Lucas responded. It was one of the most frustrating responses he gave whenever he was sleeping. It just emphasized how dead to the world he was.