Liking Leanna.

Jen cluelessly went to the cafeteria as Nancy had asked on the message she received. When she walked in she immediately saw the two girls so she directly walked towards them. Nancy was talking animatedly to a very calm Leanna who seemed to nod at the right times so she did not feel like she was talking to herself.

"Hi, girls," Jen said and sat down next to Nancy who was still chattering about random things. 

"Hi, Jen" Leanna answered while Nancy turned to look at her.

"Mmmh, what are we talking about?" Jen said as she put her bag on the table.

"Nancy was just talking about her young sister who will be finishing high school in two years" Leanna summarised making Nancy a bit speechless since she had talked for quite a few minutes already. She didn't think her thoughts could be so briefly explained.

"Aah~," Jen said and nodded as she reached for the juice Leanna had been drinking.