Should have knocked!

"Do I have to shoot today? Can't I do it tomorrow?" Laura complained to her assistant manager who was sitting next to her in the van. She had spent a good part of her day packing her clothes and moving out of the hotel. She was feeling quite tired.

"If we postpone this shoot again it will be the fourth time. Just bear with it for tonight" the assistant manager said. She could not even complain because Laura's actual manager was James. Who can she complain to?

Laura closed her eyes and decided to have some shuteye before they arrived at the location. Since she joined a management company, jobs kept on pouring in.

It was not like how it used to be before where she decided what jobs to take by herself and chose when she'll be vacationing. She was earning way more now, but she was also working harder compared to the past.

After a short nap, she woke up when the car stopped. When she opened her eyes she saw that they had arrived at their location.