About that Dream.

Jen was happily showing off her exam results to Michael, who was sitting next to her. She had done so well she felt like all the time she had spent in the library was worth it. She took out her phone from her bag to call Lucas to tell him the good news, but he suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Lucas, look at-" Jen started saying, but he suddenly kissed her. Her eyes widened in mortification, and she hit his chest to stop him from continuing. Unfortunately, Lucas didn't care and continued kissing her in front of her whole class.

"Lucas, stop it" Jen scolded but Lucas just moved his attention from her lips to her neck. Jen felt her heart sink to her stomach. What was his problem today?

"Mmh?" Lucas responded but did not stop and instead laid her down on the table and ripped her shirt open and started toying with her nipples. Jen felt like she was about to combust.