Talk with Alex.

As the two of them were basking in the afterglow from having sex, Jen's phone rang. She groaned in annoyance, but she still got out of Lucas' arms to take the call. She was thankful enough that the caller didn't call when they were still busy with each other. Jen picked up the call without checking who it was.

"Hello?" Jen said as she leaned on the headboard of the bed. Lucas rolled over and rested his head on her stomach as he wrapped his hands around her. He was not willing to let go of her yet so he was settling for that position.

"Hi Jen," Alex said from the other side.

"Alex! How are you?" Jen said while stroking Lucas' hair.

"I'm fine and you?" Alex asked.

"I'm doing well, what's up?" Jen asked. She was not expecting a call from Alex so early in the morning, so she thought maybe something had happened to the restaurants and she needed to report on it or that there was an urgent situation at home.