Text Book Example.

Jen glared at him for the fifth time on their drive home, and this time, Lucas couldn't help but laugh helplessly.

"Did you hate it that much?" Lucas asked her when she glared at him again. Jen did not hate it, it was actually one of the most thrilling things she has experienced in her life, besides accompanying Lucas to race. But she can't admit it, it would be embarrassing if she did.

"Well?" Lucas asked her when he didn't receive any response. Jen avoided his gaze and paid attention to the scenery outside. Lucas glanced in her direction and was only met with the sight of the back of her head. He smiled knowingly and chose not to pursue the matter so as not to embarrass her further.

Their home wasn't far from the university, so they arrived home in no time. Lucas parked the car and looked at Jen again and saw that she was still staring outside her window. He got off the car with a smile and went to open the door for her.