A Fling.

That was why for the following two weeks, there wasn't a day Jen's body did not ache because of being bedded by Lucas. As slow as those days felt to the rest of the world, to the people close to Lucas, they felt like they were on fast forward. In preparation for leaving, he had met with his family two days before leaving.

He had gone to his parents' house in the afternoon to spend a bit more time there, even though only Hellen was around to accompany him. 

"You didn't have to come so early," Hellen said when she saw him. She had just come down from her afternoon nap.

She had barely gotten any sleep the previous night, and she was lethargic since morning, so she decided to take a break.

Who would have thought that her son would come over so soon? And even though he did not wake her up deliberately, and she managed to rest, she still felt bad for leaving him alone for so long.