First Night Apart.

Jen had drunk a bit, so she was already feeling drowsy by the time she went back to her room. She got undressed and went to take a shower before bed. As she lay on the enormous bed by herself, feelings of loneliness suddenly swept her. She picked up her phone and stared at it for a while, as if hoping that she would receive a call. She looked at it until she fell asleep.

A little over an hour later, she felt something vibrate in her hand. As she squinted sleepily, she saw that her phone screen had lit up. She drowsily checked who was calling and saw that it was Lucas. Whatever sleep she had left flew away as she picked up the phone.

"Hello," she said once she answered the call.

"Did I wake you up?" Lucas asked her, and Jen only cleared her throat in response, because she knew that her voice must have given her away.

"I've arrived," Lucas said without being flustered.