Going Home.

As the two girls were eating breakfast, even though Jen still ate very little, footsteps were heard coming downstairs. Michael had come down with his backpack and looked like he was ready to leave.

"Good morning," he said to the two women who were having breakfast.

"Morning, so early?" Jen asked him as she looked at his backpack and he nodded in response. 

"I have a lot to do, so I have to go back first. I wanted to drop you off at the hotel but you said that big brother Jason was going to take you back, right?" he asked and Jen nodded in response. 

"Well then, I'll be going first. I'll see you tomorrow," Michael said and nodded at the two girls before leaving.

"He is so adorable. How he was calling everyone Mr. when he had first come was very amusing," Rachel said with a light laugh.