I Can't Think.

David was not expecting anyone to visit, so he was flustered by the incessant ringing of his doorbell. When he went downstairs to check who it was, he saw Nancy, who was leaning against a young man for support through the camera next to the front door. After seeing such a sight, he did not hesitate to open the front door.

"Hello sir, I was directed to bring her to this address," the young man said, and all but threw Nancy into David's arms and handed him the keys to her car before disappearing into the night.

David looked at the woman in his arms, and the car parked on his curb before sighing helplessly. He closed the door before he helped the staggering Nancy into the house.

"Nancy," David called her softly, and Nancy only grunted in response before burying herself into his chest. 

"Don't you have classes tomorrow?" David asked her as he tightened his hold on her, as he could already feel her body get heavier by the second.