Best Thing That's Happened To Me.

Unlike the others, when Rachel got home, she found Brian standing at their front gate waiting for her. The chauffeur parked the car, handed her the keys, and left when he noticed that an acquaintance of the client was around.

Brian's dark eyes looked at the car window as if he could see through it, even though it was tinted before Rachel stepped out of the car. She had not realised how drunk she was until she was sitting still in the car as she was going home.

She carelessly held her small purse and closed the door before locking the car. When she took a step forward, she stumbled and had to lean against the car lest she slid down to the pavement.

"Rachel," Brian called worriedly as he went to her side and held her upright, forcing her to lean on him. His sudden appearance surprised Rachel, and she stiffened a bit before she realised who was supporting her.