Exam Week. (Unedited)

Everyone was quiet when they walked inside and saw a sleepy Leanna who was playing with her baby's soft cheek. Lucas was still watching through his screen with an envious expression. He wished he had been around for such a big day in their group of friends.

"You look tired, why don't you rest first?" Rachel said to Leanna and pointedly looked at Ethan. Ethan, was still wearing sterile clothes so it was more appropriate for him to handle the baby. Ethan awkwardly but carefully took the sleeping baby from Leanna and placed him on the small bed next to that was right next to hers.

"You can look at him, I'm going to sleep first, I'm exhausted," Leanna said as she yawned and closed her eyes. She had been running on sheer willpower, so when she closed her eyes, she immediately fell deep into sleep.