Reunited. (Unedited)

Lucas smothered her with a kiss the moment he caught her in his arms and Jen who had her arms around his neck responded to it readily. They had missed each other so much that holding each other the way they did felt unreal.

Lucas pressed his forehead against hers after their short but intense kiss. Jen looked up into his hazel eyes and pecked his lips once more.

"I missed you," Lucas murmured against her lips and Jen kissed him in response. She had also missed him a lot. Martin who had brought him to the airport had turned around to preserve whatever respect he still had for his boss. 

Lucas picked up Jen's small luggage and Jen hooked her arm in his as the two made their way out of the airport. Martin rushed ahead of them to bring the car out. The two waited for him to come and were so immersed in each other that they wouldn't have cared if he took a bit longer to bring out the car.