You know. Writers are the closest occupation to God. They create a world out of nothingness and they control the fate of every single character. The life and death of everything in the writings are up to their whim. Doesn't that sound like the power of a God? But what happens when an author is put in his own novel as the MC. Well here is his words on the subject "It is a contradiction because it is awesome but at the same time IT SUCKS!!"
This is a novel that is an alternative to Separated Sands: Reincarnated in Naruto. There is a 18+ Warning. I REPEAT 18+ WARNING! Since the MC is going to have his soul replaced with the author there is some facts I need to list. 1st I happen to be bi in real life so in the novel I will also be bi meaning my harem isn't just going to contain woman so if you can't handle YAOI don't read it. Secondly MC Author is going to do whatever he wants so he may come off as a complete a**hole villain at times. Third MC is super OP. 4th He will break the fourth wall and sometimes respond to comments because wibbly wobbly timey wimey things [[READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!]]
{I do not own anything from Naruto. This is merely a fanfiction and I do not claim to have any ownership over any characters from the original series}
Thank you for warning me about the yoai stuff I’ll not read this so thank you for warning me I’ll give you full stars for that Immmmmm. Ooooooooouuuuuuuuuutttttyt Ppppppppiiiiiiieeeeeeecccccceeeeee