World of Saints

Inside a spacious and luxurious mansion, was a room decorated with great splendor. Outside this room, a large group of people had gathered. A young male paced relentlessly in front of the doors, his face was filled with anxiety and worry. He looked to be thirty years of age, and he gave off a majestic aura. Although he had aged a little, one could still see the handsome youth that he once was. He was wearing a gold lined silver chang pao, which added to his handsome appearance, and he was surrounded by an aura similar to that of a host. His face was resolute, even his eyebrows were knitted together, almost forming a single lump.

Three meters outside of the room, a group of not-so-normal people, ranging from young to old, were all lined up nervously. The elders of the group looked to be 60 to 70 years old already, with white hair all over their wrinkled faces. However, despite their age, their eyes told another story. Judging by the glow from their eyes, the amount of fear they could inflict on others was so much that people wouldn't take them to be frail old men at all, but rather robust and healthy middle-aged men with the strengths of a tiger and dragon combined.

And within the room in front of them, the sounds of a woman crying in pain could be heard.

"Madam, keep on pushing, the baby is almost out. I repeat, the baby is almost out…" An elderly but impatient voice could be heard through the pain-filled echoes. Those who could hear the voice could tell the owner of the voice was an elderly woman.

Outside the room, the middle-aged man who was anxiously pacing about, abruptly froze in place and spoke with a sense of urgency, "Ai…this has been going on for an entire day and night already, how has Yu'er not given birth? If this drags on for any longer, I'm afraid to even Yu'er will face an unfavorable situation." Even the man's voice was filled with never-ending anxiety.

"My lord, please don't worry too much. Madam will definitely be fine. You forget that Madam Yu'er is a Saint Master." A white-haired elder spoke with a tone of confidence, but even his face could not hide the look of worry on it.

"Ai…" The majestic lord clad began to sigh again repeatedly; the worry and anxiety on his face did not decrease even the slightest amount.

Eventually, after the men outside had waited till midnight, an excited voice came from within the room. "My lord, my lord! Madam Yushuang has given birth! She has given birth and is safe! And so is the boy!" The amount of emotion in the voice was stirring up excitement throughout the house.

Upon hearing that, the middle age man that was waiting anxiously became slack-jawed; the wariness in his face had been completely wiped out and replaced with an expression of joy and emotions. He was so emotionally moved that he couldn't find the right words to say and blew open the doors so quickly that it was as if they didn't exist in the first place. His speed was almost inconceivable; no ordinary man could ever hope to achieve to pull off the same amount of speed he had just displayed.

The middle-aged man immediately flashed over to the bedside and sat down beside it. His face was full of concern as he looked at the woman who was reclining on top of it. "Yu'er, how are you feeling; you have to be all right!" Despite his excitement, his voice was gentle and was brimming with concern.

On top of the bed was a woman who was at the peak of her 20's. Her appearance was so beautiful, it could cause an entire state to fight and collapse upon itself for her hand. Her exhausted and pale face was drenched in sweat but still managed to retain a divine look.

The female looked up with a tired expression at the man by her side and smiled, "My dear husband, I am fine. Please just allow me to see my baby."

"Oh! Yes! Right away! As long as Yu'er is fine." The man started to smile with joy, but he turned around and looked at the bundled up child in the midwife's arms. Right as he was about to speak, the eyebrows on the midwife knitted together and stared with rapt attention at the infant she was holding. Her arms continued to rock the bundle as she muttered, "Cry baby, go on and cry. What child are you that you do not cry? How odd, I have delivered many babies, and although the numbers have not reached over a thousand babies, I have helped give birth to over 900. However, this is the first time I have seen a freshly delivered baby that does not cry."

But at the same time she spoke, the men who were outside all piled into the room, each one of them had a smile on their faces. One after another each person began to congratulate the woman on the bed.

The middle-aged man was still smiling greatly and spoke to the woman, "Dear, you should rest up first. I'll bring the child over in a second." The man then got up and walked towards the midwife, "What's wrong? Could it be there's some sort of problem with the child?"

Hearing his question, the midwife's face went sour as she looked at him, and said respectfully, "My lord, the young lord has no problems that I am aware of, but according to my 10 years of experience, every newborn child will start to cry. But this young lord is different; look here, ever since his birth, he hasn't uttered even a single peep of sound. This is an extremely strange situation."

The man's forehead creased in thought as he looked at the bundled infant. The infant's eyes were bright and showed no impurities within them as it looked all over the place. One moment he would look over here, and the next moment he would look over there. He was very cute in this way, and just by looking at him you would think there were no problems with him.

Then as he put his hand on top of the infant, he saw a fine layer of yellow light suddenly float around his palm.

Seeing the middle-aged man's movement, the midwife's face became uneasy But The man quickly took his hand back, his own heart was finally at ease. A smile returned to his face once more as he laughed, "The child is safe and sound, I can't find even a single problem." He took the bundle from the midwife with another laugh.

Upon hearing this, the midwife let out a breath of air in relief. With her heart rate slowly going back to normal, even she started to laugh in excitement, "What the Lord says is correct, perhaps this is a representation of the young lord's future. He will surely become a strong and unique individual as he grows."

As he listened to the midwife, knowing that this was an extraordinarily vague thing to say, he still couldn't help but laugh, "Yes yes yes, I can only hope so. Someone come here! Let us reward Mother Hong with a hundred gold coins!"

The midwife's face grew joyously and immediately said with emotion, "I give the lord many thanks, many many thanks indeed!"

The father brought the infant to his mother on the bed and smiled, "Yun'er, look! This is our child, look how cute he is!"

Yun'er held onto the child tenderly and gave him a kiss on the forehead and spoke happily, "Dear husband, since our child is a boy, then as per our agreement beforehand, we shall call him Changyang Kei."

Just like that a pampered assassin(shadow69), a world famous assassin(Older Killua), immortal thief and eldest servamp started their new adventure.