World of Saints pt.2

Three years have passed. In these years a Kei has understood quite well about his own situation. Firstly it seems the mansion he lived in had a name–Changyang Mansion. The mansion belonged to one of Luo'er City's top 4 families, each had a foothold of power and influence. His own father was actually the leader of the Changyang clan named Changyang Ba. His mother was named Bai Yushuang and was third of four concubines of clan lord with her status being lowest due being youngest in harem other than his fourth aunt who coincidently was also a radiant saint master who is said to possess miraculous healing power. Though all of it was all for others to talk for in the family there naturally was no one who had any differences or arrogant attitude.

In regards to himself, during these three years, he held a somewhat unique status within the clan. Known to be able to walk from six months, able to talk as fluently as a five-six-year-old child from the first birthday he was regarded as a genius in these terms. But at the same time, he was known to suffer from a strange disease that renders him unconscious every year at the night of his birthday with the skin getting darker and no amount of radiant force working. Unknown to others it actually was his inheritance changing his body in those two birthdays so that it may grow up to have Ban's immortality, Killua's poison resistance(making skin darker), and Servamp powers.

On the other hand, his siblings were genius, his elder brother Changyang Hu, being two years older had already started his cultivation in saint energy and was said to be quite a talent. Then there was the fourth brother, Changyang Xiangtian who just like him was intelligent beyond his age though not suffering any illness. And of course, there was a cute big doting sister who was the boss of three siblings excluding the first brother who was a bit too old to be bossed around.

The group of three siblings was actually just a month apart with the eldest being second sister one month older and youngest being fourth brother one month younger and him being in middle.

It had been one month since his third birthday which had brought surprise and happiness to the family due to it being no illness birthday as his inheritance had already set the base for further development.

Today was the fourth brother's birthday and coincidently also the awakening ceremony where affinity for children that turn three this year will be found out and we would be able to start our cultivation.

Walking from his room to the main hall he met up with his mother and aunts, his sister and brother who were equally excited from what he can tell. Though regarding his fourth brother it was a bit difficult to tell with his poker face. Among sibling, he already had a nickname for everyone first brother being grizzly, second sister being boss, himself being sloth and fourth brother being paperface.

(first person pov)

Anyway, after greeting everyone while neglecting fourth brother I skipped to second sister and sat on another side of her opposite side of fourth brother. When asked I proudly responded by complaining of fourth brother being paperface which caused his face to twitch and rest to laugh which caused second sister to drop a chop on my head and had me sit according to order between her and fourth brother. While we were bickering among ourselves with me telling nicknames of everyone father along with first brother entered.

(Jian Chen pov)

When he had first arrived in this strange new place, he had struggled intensely with this new body. Since he was reincarnated with his old memories, he still felt like Jian Chen. Deep within his soul, he did not think this new life was his, but as time went on, he gradually accepted his new body and life. No matter what though, Bi Yuntian was still his mother. Although it was a mystery on how he managed to retain his memories, they had been from a place in another world. It had no relationship to this new world, so Jian Chen had decided to hide away the memories in the deepest part of his mind. It was time to accept his new life and give it everything he had.

Right now he looked at his family and smiled internally when third brother's words entered his ear causing him to twitch. In this life, if there was someone he didn't want to deal it was his third brother. It wasn't as if there was any hard feelings in between or something like that it's just that he was just very unpredictable. One moment he is quietly sleeping another moment he has vanished. Nobody could tell what was going in his mind and what prank were they going to graced with the next moment. Together with second sister, they were frightening combo whom can drive everyone away. He had even seen onetime father had changed his path one day to longer one to avoid trouble because duo was playing together in that path to avoid getting pranked. It wasn't as if they weren't punished but one glimpse on their puppy face and one would lose the will to even think about punishment. As he was in his own thoughts while still talking with his brother and sister he noticed father entering with first brother bringing silence with them.

Today marked the start of their cultivation journey one he was eager to start as world essence here was atleast ten times his previous world. Even though he started practicing Azulet Sword Law that he got under mysterious circumstances but it was only body refining part, not actual cultivation.

So, just like my siblings of this life, I am excited and anticipating the outcome.