... but back to square one!

"So what class are you in?", Dylan asked me.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?", I asked.

"So what year are you from? What class are you in? Now you are part of our group so we should at least know what class you from so we could invite to hang out.", Dylan replied back with a broad smile.

"Are you serious? You definitely should know that at least!", I replied back.

Come on! I was seated right beside you. After the commotion, he should know that I was sitting right beside you, the whole day.

All of a sudden, Dylan put his arm around my neck,

"You know, I would be willing to help a hand to pair up you with Rihanna! You guys have my blessing.", Dylan said as he showed me thumbs up with a wink.

The last thing I want is his blessing that won't do rat shit to my current problems. I still don't know why they are getting the wrong idea and just pushing me with Rihanna of all people. She is cute but other than that she fails in everything!

No height, no boobs, no compassion, twisted personality, and she is much stronger than an average human being, WHICH IS NOT THE ATTRIBUTES OF A GIRL! She is more suited to be a gorilla in a zoo than someone's girlfriend.

I shall keep my thoughts for myself. If she ever hears my thoughts then there sure to be a murder inside the school premises, for sure.

Anyway back to the topic in hand, I have to clear Dylan's misunderstanding.

"Listen, Dylan! I don't have any sorta feelings for Rihanna at all. I just wanted to be friends with her and the rest of the bunch. That's it!"

"Haha! Don't need to be embarrassed, it's alright! We are friends after all"

"Could I punch you in the face?"

"No thanks, but here it is! My classroom.", Dylan stood at the door of our classroom, "Is your classroom on this floor as well?"

"This is my classroom as well.", I replied back.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I am saying this is my classroom. So move aside.", I replied back and went to my seat. Was Dylan so engrossed talking with the girls that he even forgot that I was sitting beside him the whole time!?

I took my seat and placed my wallet back in my bag.

Dylan rushed at my desk,

"Are you serious? This was actually your bench the whole time?"

I let out a sigh.

Not this again. It's not that I would just barge in a random classroom and sit on, any empty seat for no apparent reason! Of course, this freaking seat belongs to my royal tushie! Yes, this is my seat.

I calmed myself and answered back.

"Yes, this is INDEED MY SEAT!"

Rihanna marched at my seat from the front and followed by Helena.

"You Perv! You even followed me in my classroom! Get outta here, the homeroom session gonna begin anytime soon!", she shouted angrily.

"My, my! You even tailed behind Rihanna all the way to her classroom and trying to portray as one of her classmates to get close to her! What a bold guy! Rihanna is such a lucky girl!", Helena said as she grabbed her own cheeks in delight.

Not this crap again!

"Hey I did not!~"

All of a sudden the classroom got somehow noisy. All my classmates started to whisper with each other as they threw glances at me.

I am again the center of attention, dammit now whole class will think I have a thing for Rihanna.

I can't take this anymore,

"Listen up! That's a~"

"You disgusting pervert! Even after I rejected your confession, you still come inside my class, following me! You stalker, you are after my body!", Rihanna said out loud as she wrapped her arms around her body.

"I am not stalking you! This is my classroom as well and this is my seat!", I replied back in my defense.

"Is he some kinda stalker?"

"Ew! That's so disgusting!"

"Should we call the teachers?"

"I think we should call the cops."

"I am scared! How could they allow such a creep to enter the school in first place."

Blah blah blah…., the classmates started to talk among themselves.

The fake rumors now just escalated and started to circulate within the class with all my classmate who looked at me with a disgusted gaze.

Why is this happening to me again! I do not deserve such treatment! I am not any kinda pervert or stalker, I am also a fellow classmate of this classroom like everyone.

With all the classroom started to diss me! They intentionally spoke out loud enough to hear me, and how disgusting fellow I was! Everywhere I glanced, the students were mumbling something about me as they had this nauseating expression whenever our eyes met.

I then turned to Calista who was sitting in the front 2nd row. She had this sickening expression and averted her eyes, right as soon our eyes met.

Even she thinks I am some kinda pervert! That's it, my school life is over! I have no more reasons to live. Out of all people, even Calista thinks I am some kinda pervert! A stalker after a woman's body.

My whole life was crumbling and I fell in despair.

This has to be a nightmare! Yeah, I am still asleep. I should just go to the school terrace and jump down the building then perhaps I would wake up or at least the dream could change. That's the only solution! Even if this was the reality, I don't have any will to live. Calista now thinks I am a creep, so I am better off dead!

So how should I end myself, Jump out of the window?

Nope, this is the 2nd floor so even if I jump out. I will have at most some severe fractures.

Or should I-

Just when I was thinking how to end my miserable, useless life, Dylan grabbed my shoulder and I returned back to reality.

I turned towards Dylan and he had this awkward smile,

"Hey, Sebastian!? it's time you get back into your own class. We shall hang out once again after school, I promise."

But this is my classroom! This really is my seat!

"This is my classroom as well and this seat over here belongs to me! So could you people stop pushing me out of my class.", I retorted in anger.

Everyone was startled with my sudden outburst.

"Wasn't that seat-", before Dylan could finish the classroom door slide opened.

Our homeroom teacher, Mr. dogface entered the class.

I got up from my seat,

"Thank god! That you're here, Teacher! Could you please tell everyone on my behalf, that I am also a student of this classroom. They are eagerly pushing me out of the classroom.", I said to the teacher.

The teacher glanced at me then looked at the other classmates. Everyone become quite and returned to their seats.

Not ever was I happy to see professor dogface, as much I am now!

The teacher then looked at me again,

"Who are you?", he asked.

Not again!

"I.. I did explain who I was, in the first lecture!"

"What are you saying? This is the first time I ever saw your face!", he replied.
















The school bell rang which announced the end of the school for the day. Every one of my classmates started to leave with their friends.

"Hey, Dylan! You owe us a treat! Remember your promise?", Rihanna dashed towards Dylan and declared. Helena and Sophia also followed her from behind.

"Huh? Did I?", Dylan asked confusingly as he scratched his blonde head.

"You definitely said you would treat us for being in the first place during our fishing contest!", Rihanna said as she thumped her hands on his table.

"Did we Nicholas?", he peeked at Nicholas who stood in the front seat.

"Heh! I-I shall wait for you down!", replied Nicholas as he avoided the question and sprinted out of the classroom.

"Me too", Brian also joined along with Nicholas.

"I also am itching to eat something some meat.", declared Helena with a smile.

"But..", Dylan was about to complain when Rihanna interrupts him.

"You are not going to keep your promise!? Is this the real extent of your friendship? If so, then I am ashamed to call you even a man.", Rihanna said derogating way.

Sophia was in a state of panic,

"Please Rihanna! Don't force him! It would be no fun if he doesn't want to willingly celebrate.~"

"Alright! We will be heading to the mobile eatery van! The bills on me.", Dylan said as he gave up under the pressure.

"Yes! I shall take the deluxe jumbo parfait! Let's go!", Rihanna pumped her fist in the air with a smirk.

"I shall take a meatball crepe, then!", said Helena.

"Than.. than could I also order parfait like Rihanna?", asked Sophia timidly.

"Sure thing! It's my treat after all!", replied Dylan with a smile.

"Let's go!", cried out Rihanna as she charged out of the door in a rush. She was really looking forward to the parfait.

Dylan then turned back,

"Hey! You wanna tag along?", Dylan asked me. I was sitting beside Dylan the whole time but they did not even notice me, but Dylan asked me after all!

"Sure! If you don't mind." suddenly a response came from behind me.

The voice was similar, I turned around and it was Calista.

It seemed that Dylan was asking her and not me, who happened to be standing behind me.

Dylan and the gang all left, and I was the only one remaining in the whole class.

Is this really happening? This has to be a lie! I can't believe it!

I sat on my seat in the empty classroom for a while but then I got up from my seat.

I can't sulk all the time, I then ran downstairs to the ground. Even if they didn't invite me to tag along, I shall ask them directly. I shall ask them to let me tag along, even if Rihanna might have some issues I don't give a fuck! They are my friends and they know that I am not a creep. They have to believe their friend no matter what!

I saw Dylan and the group leaving through the gate as they were gossiping among themselves.

"Hey! Wait for me!", I cried out loudly.

Dylan and the group stopped as soon as they heard my voice. I run towards them in full throttle as I waved at them.

Thank goodness I caught up with them in time or else squad fam would have the afterparty without me!

"Thanks...Thanks for waiting!... Just gimme a second!", I thanked them as I tried to grab my breath. I sprinted from the classroom to the gate with all my strength. I was pooped up.

"Uhh... Sure thing!", replied Dylan.

I straightened my back as soon as I leveled my breath.

"Let's go, shall we!?"

"Huh? But who might you be?", Dylan asked me.

Everyone was also puzzled as they looked at me with confusion.

Now I see.

Now I understood fully.

"Oh! Sorry about that I mistook you for someone else, my bad! Haha!", I replied back with a fake laugh as I scratched my head acting like clutz.

"Too bad! Your friends must have gone on ahead before you. What a jerk! They should have at least waited for their friend!", Dylan said as he had a disappointed expression,

"Anyway! We go to go! Cya", said Dylan as waved at me.

"Who the heck is he?", Rihanna asked Dylan.

They all walked to the mobile eatery, which was located down the street. Although, they didn't invite me, I really wanna accompany them. Despite Dylan had promised that we would hang out together.

He not only forgot our promise, he also forgot about his best friend.