My (no more) sweet home

The sun had almost set and it was getting dark. I wandered around the town to clear my head. I visited our local groceries and purchased some almond cookies. They are very well known for their handmade cookies and I wanted to gift them to my mom who's a die-hard fan. It seemed strange as the local shopkeeper failed to recognize me as like every one of my classmates and teachers. This is a grave situation!

It's almost 7 pm, I had lost track of time. I rushed back to my house. Don't tell me, even my family might have doesn't remember about me!

My mom used to call me whenever I got late, but today she didn't call me like as usual. Please let this be a mere coincidence!

I reached my home and stopped right in front of my gate.

I glanced at my house, it looked as peaceful as usual. My house was an ordinary 1st storey house like any other. It was mostly made of bricks and wood with a small backyard and fence of a wall that covered our house. There were no other homes besides ours. They were on the other side of the hill.

I gulped down my saliva down the throat and entered through the gate.

This is my own home! Surely mom-dad would remember me, after all, I am their son.

I entered our home like normally as I always do, through the door. I took off my shoes and socks.

Than when,

"Dad? Are you already home?", a voice spoke out loud through the kitchen. It was my little sister, Lydia who asked out loud. I guess she heard the door when I closed it and mistook me for Dad.

Why am I getting scared! I have to act normal! She won't forget like everyone else, she's my sister after all. We have blood ties!

"Welcome home!",Lydia said as she greeted skippingly, happily as she hummed. She was wearing an apron for some reason. I guess she was helping out mom.

But as soon she saw me, her expression changed and she stopped humming. She became quite as she stared me as I placed my shoes in the shoe rack.

I pushed the almond cookies in her hand,

"Hey go hand over this cookies to mom! It's for mom, so don't dare to touch any of the cookies for yourself!"

Before I could hear her response, I started to rush to my room. But just when Lydia grabbed my arm,

"Excuse me! Who are you? Why are you barging in my house?", she asked out loud.


I turned around, just when she twisted my arm and kicked me in my ankle. When I lost my balance, she grabbed my collar and lifted me in the air.

And the next thing I saw was the whole world turned upside down and I was lying down the floor. My head pain liked shit! What was that all about!? My head was all drowsy, I got up on my feet with the support of the shoe rack cabinet beside me.

Thank goodness there was a carpet, which took most of my head's impact otherwise I could have seriously injured! It seemed Lydia was gone but I soon heard footsteps heading at my direction.

"What are you doing? Who throws his elder brother like this! Where are your manners!... Oi?", I was angry for a moment but I was petrified in the next second, "Hey, what are you doing with my baseball bat?"

She returned with my metal baseball bat and held it like some sorta sword.

"Get outta of my house! Mom call the cops! We have an intruder!", she screamed out loudly.

"Hey, are you nuts!!? That is a metal baseball bat, one hit and all my brains will scatter, all around! You wanna kill your own brother or what?", I said out loud as I backed in the corner.

I don't think she would even hesitate for a second to kill me. She is one hell proud feminist and would surely not miss the chance to attack. I have to calm her down or I would get killed by my own little sister, which would be super embarrassing.

Alright, how to calm her down?

Just when I was thinking, she struck her bat with full force. I dodged it just my hair! The metal bat hit the wall and put a hole in the wall.


She hit the bat with such a force that, now there was a hole in the wooden wall. For christ sake! This hole would have been in my head if I hadn't dodged it. I knew she was taking some self-defense karate classes, but this shit is not defense but pure attempt to murder. What are those bastards even teaching her in classes?

"I won't let you!", she squealed.

"Could you stop for a-", just when she once more swung her bat, again. I ducked quickly and hit the vase placed on the shoe rack cabinet. The vase shattered and dispersed all over the hallway. I quickly got away from her.

"Hey! This is my home as well! Please try to remember, I am Sebastian Wilmoth, your big brother.", I joined my hands and pleaded.

I know I was looking pathetic! Never in my wildest dream, I had thought that I might have to beg in front of my little sister. But pride and dignity didn't matter anymore!

I got on my knees and bowed deeply,

"Please! Please try to think deeply, I am Sebastian! You have to try to remember me!"

I pleaded once again.

She stopped for a second,

"What are you even talking about? Are you my long cousin or something Mom do you know him?"

I turned my head up and noticed my mom who was standing at the end of the hallway. She had this worried expression.

"Mom.", I let out that word in relief as soon as I saw her.

"I don't know this person.", she replied to Lydia.




Why cannot my mom remember her own son? Why couldn't you recognize your own son? This cannot be happening!

I approached mom,

"Mom! It's me, Sebastian!! Don't you remember?", I asked as I patted my own chest, "Please! Don't tell me, you also-!"

She all of a sudden took out a kitchen knife and pointed that at me.

"Stay back! I am not your mom! Please! Please leave my home alone!", she screamed loudly.

I backed away.

My own mother who always used to nag me to death for silly stuff! Who worried about small and little things! Scolded me for my antics! Now she thinks I am just a stranger!

My mom who most of the time was angry at me but in the end she always forgave me. She cooked my favorite dishes when I felt down, she took care of me when I was sick. She helped out to fill my incomplete school notes and always gave me chocolate on valentines day!

But now she looks at me with frightened eyes.

She thinks I am just a stranger who broke into her house. She points a knife at her own son telling to get out the house.

I am not a stranger! Why! Why are you looking me with those eyes!

How could I get through you?

"I am not a stranger! This is my house, as well!", I howled in anger and ran towards the stairs.

If I go to my room and get my album with the family photos, then she might believe me. Then their memories also shall return!

"Stop there! Where do you think you're going!?", Lydia again tried to stop me but I pushed her away.

I marched upwards and entered my room.

"I will show you guys proof! Wait for a sec…", I fell silent.

This wasn't my room. This was but just an empty room.

The wall posters, my bed, my cabinet, my clock, everything was gone. There was nothing, not even the curtains.

It was there this morning, but now this was just an empty room.

What in the world is going on! Are the people here mad? Or am I going crazy?

I placed my hands on the head. I don't know what should I do? Do they really don't remember me? Or am I the one with delusions?

What did I do to deserve this?

"Why you!!!", Lydia screamed from behind.

I in reflex dodged her metal bat once again and she missed and hit the ground. I grabbed her arm and forcefully pushed her away.

She fell on her back down the ground and hit her head against the wall.

Oopsie, I by mistakenly exerted a little too much force in that. I was really really in a shock, so you can't blame. I didn't mean to push her so hard.

She dropped the metal bat and held her head and fell unconscious.

I was overwhelmed by guilt! My little sister was a bit irritative and irresponsible, she has no manners and doesn't respect me, her big brother. But in the end, she stills my little sister. I never have hated her, in fact, it was the opposite. We were close when were kids, but now we have fallen apart as we grew.

"Hey, are you okay?", I quickly rushed to her side.

Just when,

"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!", my mom charged at me at full speed.

"Hey wait a second!... huh"

Sudden excruciating pain ran through my body. Blood started to ooze out and dripped on the floor.

I back out and flee to the corner.

My mom grabbed Lydia who was unconscious now,

"Lydia!! You okay, sweety? Please open your eyes! Please…"

I looked at my arm, the kitchen knife had pierced through my right arm and almost scratched a hole in the shirt. I was heavily bleeding and my right hand was badly hurt. If I hadn't obstructed the knife with my hand, she would have stabbed me right, in the chest. It would have been a very severe injury that would have ended my life.

I looked at my mom who was terrified to death. She glared at me fiercely as she held her daughter tightly who was unconscious. She still pointed the knife at me, which clearly stated she would attack once again to protect Lydia. A mother can get really crazy when she protects her children, but now I had seen it with my own eyes.

I was disheartened, to see my own mother in such condition. She was frightened of her own son. I never thought that my presence in my own home would rise in this situation. Both mom and Lydia are thinking I am some outsider.

I quietly got up on my feet and I quietly exited my room with my wounded hand which was bleeding severely.

My hand should be in pain but I didn't feel anything. It was thanks to the mental shock I just had received.

I guess from now on, I am just a stranger to my family. Now I have nowhere to go. Not a single person to rely on.

I am just a homeless damned brat, that no one remembers.