Chapter 8: The CEO Ning

Katie feels a headache coming on from all of Cindy's questions, "yes I left with a man, no we didn't have s*x so I don't know what he looks like down there." Katie says before her friends get the wrong idea.

"What! You didn't sleep together? So what did you do all night long and don't you dare say talk" Cindy said accusingly at her friend.

" from what I remember, he took me to his room, cleaned me up and put me to bed the turned to leave but I didn't want to be alone so he just laid by my side and slept with me, that's all we did" Katie explains. "How can you only sleep?" Jeremy says not believing that they didn't do anything. "It's the truth, but it doesn't matter I'm safe that's all that matters, right?" Katie says hoping to drop the topic.

At that moment there was a knock on the and her assistant walked in with their lunches, after setting it down she informs them about their schedule " later today the clothes you picked out for the shop will be arriving and will need your approval. Also you have a new appointment with young Miss Ning and her brother, they want to get custom made clothes for their parent's anniversary" she says before she leaves.

"her brother?" Cindy says as her brows furrow , as soon as the thought settles in her eyes widen in shock "she is talking about CEO Ning, 'THE CEO NING'," Cindy cant hold her excitement has she shakes Katie's body, "if we can get him to wear our clothes everyone will know Starlight" Cindy says clearly happy.

'Beep' Jeremy's phone rings signaling an incoming message, which he reads "girls I have to go family matter, we'll catch up later. And stay out of trouble." Jeremy says as he walks out of their office.

---- At Ning Corporation HQ.

"Sir, your sister is on her way up" the secretary informs James, he immediately asks the executives in his office to leave because he knows why his sister is here. The door to his office is gently pushed open by Catherine. Seeing his sister walk in, James gets up and walks towards her with anticipation in his eyes.