Chapter 9: I need to see her

"So what did you find out about her?" James asks flatly with hints of excitement in his voice. Catherine smiles beautifully before she unhurriedly says "like I said her name is Katie song, she studied mainly business courses here in imperial. She runs a start up clothing line company with her friend Cindy Tang and she currently isn't in a relationship" she pauses a little looking at her brother who seemed delighted by the last piece of information, "but… she does have someone she loves, they went to university together before he left the country" she says plainly.

"Who?" James asks with such a cold and imposing aura, if he were talking to someone else they would probably fold from fear.

Catherine gently and slowly sips water without being in a rush to answer her brother, "Kyle Morgan" she says while giving her brother a knowing look.

'Kyle Morgan' the name sounds familiar to him but he isn't sure "you mean the newly appointed deputy director of finance?"James ask, "Yes, and he will be here tomorrow, I can see why she chose him, he is gorgeous." Catherine says with a playful grin that compliments her face. "So, that means I have two days to get me in her head" James says coolly.

"Can I just ask, what exactly do you want from her? Because even if you do get her, grandmother would never allow it" Catherine says as she slowly gets up and walks towards her brother " she comes from a different world, her parents don't have a lot, bringing her into our world would be giving her problems. Think this through before you decide." Catherine says to big brother. Sometimes she worries about him, when it comes to love he doesn't think with his brain, just like with Ruby Xie.

"I can't just let her go, after I ended it with Ruby I tried to date others but I just wasn't in it and never made it past the first date, but with her (Katie) I actually want to see again" he pauses "I need to see her again".

Catherine shakes her head at her brother before going back to sit, "fine, I already anticipated your answe