Chapter 70: I’d rather die than marry you


They continued to kiss forgetting that the door was still wide open, just as Jeremy was about to dip his hand into her bathrobe when a loud sound noise could be heard behind them.

They immediately stopped and turned to see Cindy and surprisingly Nathan (James' best friend) clapping for them. Anna was already bright red and desperately wishing she could hide in a hole. Seeing Anna about to explode, Jeremy protectively stood in front her giving her the shield she clearly desperately needed.

"Wow, this awkward relationship has been going on for so long. Finally you guys hooked up, nice." Cindy said trying to give them a hard time.

"So this is the girl you liked, no wonder you've been so celebrate, I almost thought you couldn't get it up" Nathan said with a wink.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be n London?" Jeremy asked desperately trying to change the topic

"I was bored and I heard all my friends where here, so I came." Nathan said.

"What does it matter why he is here? Are you guys finally an item? I can't wait to tell Katie."

"ok enough, we are allowed to do whatever we want we don't need to be given a hard time, now could you please go" Jeremy begged.

"Ooh, you must really like her. I've never seen the cool-headed Jeremy Gu get so upset and loud." Nathan said trying to provoke Jeremy.

"When did you get back? And who does our Master Gu like" James joined in on the teasing

"Wait is it Anna? It is Anna isn't t, this is her room." Katie joined

As they were all teasing the kissing couple, the door of the bedroom next door which belonged to Danny was opened and everyone was expecting to see Danny, instead Bibi walked out.

Bibi walked out looking rough and her makeup drastically smudged she really looked unrecognizable and comical. As she walked out and noticed the crowd she immediately stopped in her tracks. She didn't really care about all these people but she did care about Kyle, not because she loved him but he was currently helping her become one of Ning's corporation spoke models but he didn't really give her a lot of money to give her so she had to hook up with Danny so he could spoil her.

Kyle who had joined the group teasing the kissing couple but remained quite already had an idea that he was wearing a huge green hat but obviously he didn't mind because he had his eyes set on someone else, he plainly glanced disdainfully at Bibi then looked at his soon to be girl who was in the of another man.

"Daniel!" nobody realized when Samuel had arrived, so hearing his voice they all swiftly turned their heads and were met by Samuel's burning gaze. The cowardly Danny must have heard his name shouted but instead of coming out he simply locked the door.

"CEO Ning I'm truly sorry about my cousin, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt Ms Ning his just really childish." Samuel said apologizing in place of Danny.

"You don't have to apologize; I wasn't really planning on being with him anyway. It's a vacation his allowed to whatever or whomever he wanted." Catherine said from the corner of the corridor, she looked stronger but still slightly pale.

"What are you doing here?" James immediately asked shocked at her appearance. "You don't look too well"

"Yeah Catherine, did you miss me so much that you look so bad" Nathan joked as he walked to support Catherine.

Rolling her eyes and ignoring Nathan, Catherine weakly leaned on him as she walked forward.

"Our parents may want us married but I'd rather die than marry you, so have fun with whoever you want. Ok I'm starving." Catherine firmly said before turning around.

With that final statement from the party involved everyone else moved back to their rooms to finish getting ready.

Soon they were all gathered in the backyard garden eating dinner. They laughed and talked as they ate no form of animosity or awkwardness just plain fun. When they were done with dinner, they thanked the sweet family for their hospitality, said their goodbyes and left.

They all decided to stroll back to the mansion, so they could enjoy the scenery and the late evening breeze.

As they were walking, they all heard slight rustle in trees, they didn't pay much attention to it because they thought it was birds. But then in the next second group of men dropped down from the trees one by one.

The man at the fore front scanned the group taking a scroll before his gaze landed on Catherine. He was all too familiar with this princess, without restraint he walked up to her and before anyone could stop him a slap was sent flying towards Catherine's face.