Chapter 71: Abducted

The slap sent her flying as she ran head first into a tree. Obviously the Catherine we know could have dodged the slap with his, but one she was the heiress in from of them so she had to be meek, but she might have also underestimated this pretty boys strength that she actually managed to get knocked out.

Seeing his sister lying on the floor unconscious, James instinctively moved to help her but was immediately stopped by a Gun being pointed at his head. He starred at the gun, he was arrogant and unstoppable but he was still human he could also die. He glanced at his sister one more time and noticed that her chest was still moving so he stepped down.

Nobody noticed but really close Catherine was a man who was at verge of exploding, he didn't know where all these strong emotions where coming from he just knew that he felt a sense of protection towards Catherine, but he had to suppress it. So he moved in front of her body quietly and used his body to shield her.

"We only want one person, just be obedient and we won't hurt anyone." The leader of the gang said. "We want her" he said pointing at Katie

Seeing the man's threatening finger point at her, Katie instinctively gripped James arm tighter and took a step back.

'Why do they want me? I don't have money or anything to give them.' Katie thought.

Also seeing the man point at Katie and feeling her tense up, James immediately blocked her having no intention of letting her go. "You'll get no one, I suggest you leave" surprisingly it was Kyle

Who spoke up?

"why is it that all you rich people like stress so much, and I don't like violence 'sigh' but seems its unavoidable." Immediately after finishing his sentence he pointed his gun straight at Kyle.

"Ok, pretty lady I'm going to count to five, if you are not by my side then he dies" the leader seriously said.

'Ok shoot him, I don't really care' James thought, 'but my girl stays with me'

'Who exactly is this guy? Will anyone miss him if he is dead? Because James is certainly not letting her go' Nathan thought from behind a tree.

'Oh no, I can't believe Kyle will have to die. We were such good friends.' Cindy and Anna thought with teary eyes

'Nice knowing you man' Jeremy thought

Everyone seemed to believe without a doubt that Kyle was going to de even Kyle.



The man continued to count, just as he was about to say one he shifted the gun and it landed directly on Anna. "1" he said in a very scary voice. Just before he pulled the trigger…

"Wait, just wait please" Katie screamed. Everyone turned to look at her as she stepped out from behind James.

She glanced at everyone looking at their terrified faces and poor, innocent Catherine on the flood. All this trouble just to get her, she slowly turned towards the man.

"I'll go with you, just don't arm my friends" Katie said with tears streaming down her face.

"Katie! You are not going anywhere" James loudly and firmly said but he couldn't hide the tremble in his voce as he held her back. Hearing him speak to her in this tone Katie almost changed her mind but she had already made her decision.

Without looking back she struggled to pull her arm off but James wouldn't let go.

Seeing this very emotional scene going on, the leader plainly rolled his eye, turned to one his men giving him the signal.

Getting the signal they all wore gas masks and in the next second a sudden mist surrounded them.

First they felt their limbs go limp and they dropped to the ground and they realized that they were losing consciousness they fought desperately to stay awake but it was all in vain. Soon they were all lying on the ground unconscious.

The men swiftly grabbed Katie and disappeared the way they appeared.